Sunday, October 12, 2008

i hate banana chips

Yesterday i went to kings dominion for their fear fest thing plus to ride roller coasters (cuz i loooove them). Now i HATE being startled/scared but once i got over the initial fear and convinced myself that they were just VCU students in costumes it was really fun! (which is more than i can say for SOME people... but i digress)

Today went to carytown to begin the halloween costume put together. It's been super warm out lately and i'm confused because it is the middle of October. Shopping in Carytown makes me realize how poor i REALLY am, and how un-important super expensive things (like clothes) are to me.

i changed my facebook to pirate language and it's seriously blowing my mind. i think i'm going to have to change it back because it is way too overwhelming.

This weekend pretty much was lame. We found ANOTHER mouse in our house and went to get mousetraps. And they haven't caught anything yet. Our trip to KD was cut short by human grumpiness, and i felt like crap and didn't wanna go out. Fall break is this weekend though so i suppose that's something to look forward to. Get my haircut and catch up on some sleep.

Everytime i have to spell out the word "banana" i sing the Gwen Stefani song in my head.

This post sucked. Bye.

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