Saturday, October 11, 2008

Another Lame Friday Night

I'm sick of coughing. It's really getting on my nerves. And i'm sitting here watching The Girls Next Door make chocolate private parts.

Today i helped out at the soup kitchen. That was fun. And in my english 200 class we watched youtube. Really glad i went to that class.

I also started watching this documentary called The Bridge which is about the Golden Gate bridge and how it's the most popular place to commit suicide. This guy filmed the Bridge everyday in 2004 and witnessed multiple people jumping, as well as interviewed their family and friends, and witnesses.
So i'm sure you're like "what the hell why are you watching such a depressing documentary?" And to that i don't really have an answer because my friend pointed out today that i'm always watching depressing documentaries. I seem to stumble upon them online. And i'm not quite sure why i always watch them because it's not like i like to be sad and depressed and bla bla bla. But i dunno i find stuff like this morbidly fascinating and oddly intriguing; like what makes someone want to jump off the golden gate bridge, and then ACTUALLY do it!?!?? i mean i know any shrink can tell me why but i'm not interested in that. I'm interested in the human factor. I dunno point is i'm gonna keep watching it.

Charlotte is my least favorite character on Sex in the City. Also, sometimes i SERIOUSLY question Carrie's fashion choices.

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