Thursday, March 5, 2009

remember that time....

Remember that time that i thought i had enough interesting shit to write about that i thought it would be a good idea to start a blog??

And then remember that OTHER time where i had trouble keeping up with it because college is being well, college and bubble blaster and life and relationships of various sorts and events were distracting me?
OH YEA that would be now.

It snowed for ONCE in Richmond on sunday/monday. It NEVER snows here. It will snow in all the neighboring counties, but it will totally avoid the city. But we got a good 4 inches or so sunday evening and it was INCREDIBLE!! We had a snowball fight on our street, and there was a HUGE snowball fight in the park, and we built a snowman in front of the cancer center and on our back porch. And it was so awesome because everyone was just SO HAPPY and playing and being a kid. And suddenly all the tests and papers and stress didn't matter.
Then school got cancled on monday. THIS NEVER HAPPENS!! The streets were a mess and my exams got pushed back and everyone was just running around campus all day playing in the snow. I truly believe that having a snow day was one of the healthiest things to happen to VCU in a long time. It was like seeing the stress just evaporate out of everyone and smiles form on their faces. And the fact that i had to study didn't even matter because i knew there was snow outside.

Now, it's all melting. The city is still a gross slushy mess but it's supposed to be in the 70's on saturday. If this isn't a sign of global warming then i don't know what is.

So my chem test that was supposed to be on monday was today. it went well. My interpersonal relationships exam that was supposed to be on tuesday is tommorrow ALONG with my personality midterm *gun to head* and my stats test is on friday *fire gun again*.

I'm going home friday because i'm just gonna want to get the hell out of here. I don't really have huge plans for break, except catch up on the sleep that's been running away from me and enjoy an empty house.

- get haircut (i'm lookin a lil shaggy)
- go grocery shopping.
- go shopping in general. Try and convince mom to pay
- hang out with important people who i miss
- convince my brother to get his shit together
- POSSIBLY visit soco? this is a huge maybe.
- visit work
- MAIL PACKAGE. This is very important!!!!!
- figure out summer plans. Stay in richmond? Go home? What type of job? etc etc
- figure out car situation
- start trying to find movies for my abnormal psych paper
- RELAXXXX. Luckily, all my exams are right before break so i don't have anything to worry about! YAY

On a few other random notes, I'm suddenly super into trying to find my Power Animal. If you don't know what this means, google it because i don't feel like explaining right now. But my friend asked his to come out and play with him and it revealed itself to him in a dream! Like fight club where he goes in the cave and it's a fox! I'm super jealous and am gonna ask mine to reveal itself to me.
Don't ask why this is so important to me, because i really can't give you an answer.
Part of me just thinks its stress. But whatever.

Also, i decided that i'm not happy with my blog layout. So over the break (when the internet is more reliable) i will be tweaking how it looks and stuff. Makeover!! Don't be surprised if it's something drastic. I'm at a point in my life where i crave change.

i actually crave a lot of things right now, but that is a different post for a different day. Right now i need to sleep because i have abnormal psych in 6 hours and 2 exams.

One last thing: if you haven't already, please youtube Mr. Chi City. You will not be disappointed. Hit me with that dun dun dun DUN!

1 comment:

Kate said...

wanna visit work and then soco? i kinda wanna see ms piskor.
and even if you don't wanna go to soco lets def go to work together. i literally have no plans. so whenever is good for me, basically.

also? wtf why are you in chem.

also also. this is necessary in your life right now. it WILL make everything better.