They have cool looking scooters though. Maybe that's some sort of personal consolation....
Today i went to this "Discovery" Workshop and it was the biggest waste of my time. I did however get a personality test thing. So maybe i'll do that and finally settle down on something. I dunno. I DO know that i didn't realize that i signed up for it today, and i should've just continued to study for my social work midterm because i have a horrible feeling that it's going to be REALLY hard and i wish i had more time to go over all my stuff. Oh well.
After today though, my life returns to normal and my 2 weeks of hell are over (hopefully).
Also, today in ethics class we talked about pornography. It's kind of weird to talk about that at 8am with an old guy. I'd rather go back to drug policy.
INTERESTING ENCOUNTER OF THE DAY: This guy who's in my ethics class was like, headed in the same direction as me (towards the commons) after class, and he turns to me and says "You know, if you had more fat, you wouldn't be as cold."
OK NOW KEEP IN MIND I DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS GUY!! Also, i am not a morning person (duh) and i was really just focused on getting my coffee and bagel and going home to study. Also, i wasn't even dressed for super cold! Nor was i acting cold! Nor was i cold at all! And it was kinda chily outside!!!
Anyway. So i just kinda look at him and go "what?" and he goes "Fat is a natural insulator for the body. That's why i'm not cold at all."
i look down and, sure enough, dude is wearing shorts and a t-shirt. (i guess it's important to know that this guy is, in fact, short and fat).
So i am just SO confused as to WHY this kid is talking to me about this, and telling me that i should be fat. Finally i was just like "I'm not cold actually, i'm pretty comfortable. Besides i just don't like cold weather"
Then he goes "Ahh. Yea, maybe i'm just used to it." WHAT ARE YOU A POLAR BEAR!?!?? Sorry i had a sweatshirt on at 8am when it was like 50 degrees out. Sheesh.
Luckily we then went our seperate ways. What IS it with people these days? I'm just meeting weirdos left and right...
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