People have been bugging me to write this post for awhile now. i feel like this question is getting asked a lot all of a sudden: Why do white women love black men? And who better to ask than the white girl dating the black guy.
Let me start off by saying that there are plenty of white women who DON'T find black men attractive; i have several friends who just.. don't. And they always say "no offense but i don't find black guys attractive". Like i'm gonna be offended? Everyone has their own taste; i don't find asians to be attractive. Not everyone likes the same flavor. There are also plenty of white women who find black men attractive, yet just don't/haven't dated one. For WHATEVER reason; scared what their parents might think, "social pressures", or maybe they just haven't found one they wanted to date. Point is you can't just assume every white girl just loves black men.
However, there are quite a few of us.
So the question is WHY? What is so special, so different about them? Inquiring minds want to know, and the white dudes are trying to figure out where their women are going.
For me, personally, it's a little bit different. i fell in love with my boyfriend, and he just HAPPENED to be Nigerian. I don't have a fetish for black guys (at least not yet), i find white men attractive still. Don't worry guys, you're not out! But being in both an interracial
So what? What is it? What is the secret?
- White guys have this....arrogance about them. I'm not saying all white guys are arrogant, or that black guys are NEVER arrogant (because that is false) however, there is this sense of entitlement in white guys. They have never been oppressed in any sort of way; look back through history: who was allowed to do EVERYTHING? White males. It's as if they're deserving of everything, and if they don't get what they want, than its been taken away from them. Like a girl is something to be owned and then stolen? I think not. Black guys have a different attitude, like there is a REASON they are with this girl, not just because they CAN be and are deserving to be.
- Black guys have a sense of pride about their women. Like "yea look at my baby! That's MY girl" and white guys are just kinda like "Yea she's hot. Honey can you pick up my dry cleaning?" Every girl likes to feel special! You wanna be with someone who is proud of you, and makes you feel good. White guys have no pride for who they're with.
- Their skin is like... smooth, soft, silky velvet. You just wanna touch it. And keep touching it. Sorry white boys, ya'lls skin ain't no where near like that. It's not your fault though.
- There's something liberating about being with a black man. Like you can just be wild and free and they're not gonna judge you for it. As someone else put it, "how many white men can treat a woman like a lady and ravish her too?"
- They know who they are. They respect themselves, they know they're men, they know their style, and they're CONFIDENT about it.
- Sorry but, their dicks are just bigger. With a white guy, you never know what you're gonna get. With a black guy, you know you're not gonna be dissapointed.
- They often have a greater sense of culture. They know where they came from, and are proud of it. And they're also interested in your culture, and where you came from, and respect you for it. There's a mutual sort of respect, that you don't get from a lot of white guys.
- If they're dating a white girl, you know they're brave. They take just as much heat from their friends and families as we do for being in an interracial relationship. White men think they're stealing their women, and black women resent them because now they can't have them. They're willing to take a risk.
- They just know how to make a woman feel sexy.
- There's something dangerous about being with a black man. The stigmas of society, the prejudice that still exists. Even though everyone likes to pretend that racism is essentially gone, we'd be kidding ourselves if we believed that to be true. Being in an interracial relationship is still relatively taboo, plus there's the added racial sterotype about black men. Not gonna lie, you feel kinda like a badass walking down the streets holding hands with a black guy.
- One word: BRO. i hate bros. there are too many of them. i don't like thugs either. i guess that's irrelevant then....
- They know how to cook. Their mama taught them well.
I feel like this list is... super prejudice or something. This is not a "bash white guys" post, just an answer to a question that was posed to me. I feel like this list isn't complete either. If you ask any white girl
This wasn't meant to be a "black guys are better" kind of thing either. Because i don't think any race is better than the other really, its just a matter of personal taste, not unlike ice cream flavors.
So why do white women love black men? i think the real question should be why black men love white women! SOMEONE should answer this question in depth for me, because i am ever so curious.
i guess the real answer is like the applejacks commercial: because we just do!!
fascinated :]
i always thought black men where hot, then i dated one, and now i dont seem to notice as many white guys as i did, i still find white guys attractive but i would most likely check out the black guys in a room first before i check out the white ones. yeah black guys to make you feel special.
yes, very thruly....i agree with all that.....
Never thought of it in that context but Samantha is right on target. After I went black, white guys just sort of faded into the background. I always focus on the brothers first and foremost.
funny because Ive heard the almost complete opposite from some white girls that have dated black men.
they have told me that they started dating them because they wanted to try something new. but that after a while they became irritated because they weren't compassionate or caring enough.
one girl said that looking back she feels that it was just lust because they couldn't connect mentally or emotionally and that he was overly obsessed with material things like money.
she said shes now back to dating white guys because she feels that they are more safe, responsible, trustworthy and able to support her and her future children.
Bottom line is that she wasn't looking for a long relationship and
that when she finally decided to "settle down" a white guy is just the one you marry.
lol she put it like this to me one day "once you return to white, you know its right!"
But know that one too "once you go never go back"
Two years ago I had my first contact with a black guy...not just sexually...I live in a country where blacks are rarely seen on the street....Friends and everybody was asking me "why a black guy?? for the size???"....No my answer is for the skin...for the colour...I dated white guys...but...I think I will just start laughing if I will see close to me naked a white guy :)
I`m a proud white a black guy....and I feel the happiest girl in the World...
I did noticed too.....that is a difference between black guys too....sorry to say....but I think Nigerians are well raised...and they are the best...
I left a black guy for a better black guy...and I will never regret that
Thank you so much for this beautiful post and for sharing your thoughts, feelings and emotions with us other ladies and gentlemen. It makes me smile, pitching all the time and laughing while remembering why I am in love with this strong, gorgeous and lovely man! This post is like a ode to every interracial relationship! I wish you all the best! ;)
excellent article !!! the best and most honest thing that i have read this year !!!!
I was married twice both white men. where I work I meet lots of guys and one day a black man ask me for my number my I was surprised how excited I became just talking to him we went out and after that black men just kept asking me out I dated for a while then met my love and I will never date a white man again black men let u know they are interested with their eyes and smile they are very sexual and make me fell very sexy.
I've always just been attracted to the darker skin, bigger lips, and very independent attitude. I went black and NEVER came back, like it was said before after dating a black guy white guys just faded away to the point where im not attracted to them anymore at all.
And yes, your right there still is a lot of racism for white women who date black men. But I love being with black men they make me feel sexy and wanted, personally to me they just know how to love a women and accept everything about her curves and all!
- So I don't agree with what Carley said at all, there are going to be men in every race that treat you badly, its not a black thing obviously from reading other comments posted here everyone else seems to pretty happy, she just seemed to have a bad relationship.
Hi, my name is Joan. I am a blond girl from USA. I find that I am not very attracted to black men, and its funny that everyone can get away with speaking about how "great" black men are, but if people explain that they prefer white men, everyone gets defensive and screams "racist"
Im going to be perfectly honest now. The reason i prefer white men is i like a man who has nice developed strong, chizeled facial features and the light skin for me is nice because its almost illuminating and radiant. I find that a majority of black men are very pretentious and seem quite superficial. They like to act flash and are attracted to shiny objects but i could never see myself settling down with one and having my children be non-whites and looking like a black man. I am not racist for preferring white men, just like vice versa with the others in this blog. White men seem to have really nice facial features, are very intelligent and protective and are very impressive when it comes to running and caring for a family. I also prefer white culture. I dont find anything interesting about boring rap music and bouncing black "booties" and incoherent barely-english blabble. I have tried to find black men attractive, but despite the constant unrealistic wealthy black culture portrayed on the jewish television, I will always find myself craving a nice white man, Who i can lay with on the grass having a drink. White men are very masculine and seem to know the right things to say and the right places to rub. Black men just seem a little disgusting to be honest. They resemble monkeys physically and mentally, and the only women who would be interested are either total sluts, or girls with identity issues who are easily influenced by fake Rap music etc. Im 5 months pregnant with my baby :) He will likely have beautiful blue eyes and blond hair, unlike the inter-racial babies who have poo skin and swollen facial features.
Black men make me feel safer. My new black man loves me dearly and makes me reach my high-point with such ease. White men just don't interest me any more since I've had a taste of black love.
I love my black man nw that I've had a taste of what it's like.
SO interesting to me because I am THE opposite- Black/ Bi-racial girl that is not attracted to black men. I get so much crap- but it is just the way I AM!
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