I went to the nail salon today. And here are some things that Dateline deemed news worthy:
- Man rescues his small dog from shark. Yes, the dog was okay.
- 6 year old kid got a ticket for driving a go kart around his neighborhood without a lisence. The ticket was later torn up because the cop realized how ridiculous it was, however the father (who was riding in the go kart with his son) still got a ticket.
- Milk in china might be okay to drink. Apparently people were being poisoned?
- Heather locklear got arrested for drunk driving.
- Some doctor's haven't paid back their student loans, and owe the govt thousands of dollars. And somehow the american people are paying for it??
- The host of the show Mad Money apologized for telling viewers that investing in Wachovia was a good idea.
No Mention of:
- The disasterous fact that sarah palin can't even name a newspaper that she reads. And that she doesn't actually answer any questions, just spits back lines fed to her by the campaign.
- Anything, ohhh i dont know... important.
It's pretty sad that people care more about random bullshit than stuff that will actually impact them. Is a 6 year old getting a ticket gonna affect you? Probably not. The economy rapidly falling apart? Yea, it's gonna getcha.
i've some how gotten involved in this community/art project for VCU's 40th anniverssary. I'm helping my friend out with the Carver tent (which is actually sort of perfect since that's the neighborhood in which i reside) and we had a meeting today with all these adults. There were these 2 black ladies who have lived in Carver forever and know all the history of the neighborhood (and believe me there is a lot of history), the director of the Carver/VCU community center, and these 2 white guys who just moved to the neighborhood and seemed to know nothing about it. It was funny to watch the interaction because the 2 guys had all these suggestions and they kept getting shot down by the two ladies who would just say "no that's not right that's not what happened". Meanwhile me and my friend and the community director are just sitting there trying to push them in a productive direction.
I finally spit out the idea for a giant tree (because they were BIG into this symbolism thing with the roots being the past and the branches being the present/future) and that we could just mass produce these leaves and give them to kids in the community to decorate, then collect them and put them on the tree. And during the festival thing people can make a leaf and add to the tree. Cool idea or no? I think it's gonna happen. We also have to make some sort of timeline with the history but i'm not even touchin that. Stickin to the giant tree.
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