Bill Clinton came to our campus last night. I didn't attend. Desperate Housewives came on plus apparently like 4,000 people went and it was an absolute mad house.
Today i had lunch with my friend and i cannot escape the banana thing! There were bananas ALL OVER SHAFER! Like am i the only one who noticed?
Anyway had a good talk about relationships. And it was just good to talk about stuff. I realized a lot of stuff, both good and bad. Sometimes its just good for someone else's perspective.
Last night someone from home that i grew up with IMed me. And told me he was bored at home, and hoping that i was home because he knew i was a fun person. Never in my life would i have thought this guy thought i was "fun" (Kate if you read this, you know who i'm talking about). Am i a fun person? i mean i always thought that i was but its nice to be reassured.
So in my ethics class, we're talking about pornography. And i read this article in my book written by Catharine McKinnon (noted feminist) who says that porn is degrading to women because it makes men view women in a purely pornographic fashion: as sex objects. And that porn only portrays women in a tortorous fashion (like being tied up or whatever) and that it is, in fact, harmful to women.
Now i don't really think this is true at all. I mean, after all didn't the women CHOOSE to be in said porn? If anything isn't it a sign of sexual liberation? I think there's a disconnect between feminists of the past generation and those of my generation. Because, yea while a lot of things in society ARE degrading towards women (porn, music, movies, etc) we're not really focused on that. We're focused on getting ahead in the workplace and having a career and a family and all that other more important stuff. Not whether or not porn is degrading and/or harmful. The women that are strippers/hookers/pornstars/whatever choose to be that. Its one thing if their forced but if they do it because it pays good money, than go ahead girl! We all have different values and we shouldn't inflict them on others if they're not wanted.
On tv today, i watched another show about the Duggar Family.
I also saw a preview for a show about a guy who's half man and half TREE!!! HE IS HALF OF A TREE!
He lives in Indonesia and has some sort of super rare virus that causes growth on his face and branches that like, grow out of his body. FASCINATING!! i am totally watching that show on sunday. Totally.
creepy. as. fuck.
also, judah? haha. i hung out with him last night.
at least, i think that's who you're talking about.
PS. delete that last comment i accidentally posted. wrong log in. i'll explain later.
lol no PAYAM!! see how weird it was??
woah. he said you were fun? wtf. hahahha.
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