On monday i got a whopping 2 hours of sleep because i stayed up to study for my ethics exam which was at 8am. Then i somehow stayed awake all day. Last night's sleep was good.
I dunno lately people (including those that don't even really know me that well) have been asking what's wrong and if i'm okay and the truth is i don't really know if i'm okay. I'm feeling SO overwhelmed with school and i'm trying to stay afloat but it just keeps trying to pull me under. Like normally when i get like this i just give up and say "fuck it" but i can't do that in this situation because i will fail out.
And i'ts affecting everything! My ability to focus, my motivation to do anything, my relationship, my sleep habits, everything. I'm just moody and irritated and "salty" (that's a direct quote) and i hate it but i don't know what to do about it because i don't think there's anything i CAN do about it. And when other people are moody towards me i just get irritated and un
Going home for fall break helped, but i didn't get as much done and def didn't get the amount of sleep that i needed. For the one time in my life i DIDN'T want to go back to school. And it's not even homesickness it's the desperate need for some sort of break.
i'm just doubting everything that i do/have done. i feel like school is a giant duck that's slowly pecking away at me, and i have a stick to like beat it off but my efforts are futile because it's still getting some good pecks in. I am slowly being pecked to death by VCU.
1 comment:
la la la, we are the saaaaaame person.
ugh. i just keep THINKING about all i have to do, and then NOT DOING IT cause i'm thinking about it.
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