There are several things i find humorous about these images (they were all on the first page). But the best part i think is the train from Thomas the Tank Engine. Did anyone else watch that show? It was a regular at my house. I watched it, and both my brothers LOVED it. Over the summer i found all our brio train track and made a sweet track in our basement. It was awesome. I made Seyi take a picture of it. Anyway i don't remember this particular train (whose name is Salty) but he looks like a total doofus. It's the teeth.
Pirate monkey and kid drawing of the salty sea dog are also good ones.
I FINISHED MY REVIEW OF LITERATURE PAPER! It's only 6 pages. Relatively small victory. And i'm pretty sure i have WAY to many quotes because i was going over my notes/guidelines and it said "not a lot of quotes" and i have a lot. But oh well that way i didn't plagiarize (heaven forbid) and i'm pretty sure it's the only way i would've been able to fill the minimum 6 pages.
There are so many holes in my research. i got a LOT of work to do before this bitch of a final paper. FUCKKKK.
Not much has changed since my last few posts. Plans for the weekend: sleep, vcu monroe park celebration thing, drink drink drink! And do spanish. But i have NO MAJOR ANYTHINGS DUE NEXT WEEK! (i don't think) so i am excited because maybe i can unwind a little bit and stop pumping my body full of caffiene and driving myself insane.
Highly unlikely.
But here's hoping!!
I'll probably also start reading the books Cory got me. Don't hate, i love reading!
On a side note: i am slightly bummed i didn't get to attend Obama-rama on wednesday. However i heard it was an absolute mad house with 13,000 people inside the colliseum, and another 7,000 outside with tv screens. And people lining up at 5am when doors opened at 10!! MADNESS! Way too cold for that shit.
It's getting cold.
And i don't like it one bit.
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