Savion Glover is one of my heroes. He is the most incredible tapper i've ever seen. He also did all the tap dancing for Mumble in Happy Feet. I got to see his broadway show (tony award winning) and it was absolutely amazing. Here are some vids i found (including the first time i saw him on Sesame Street).
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Zebra zebra zebra
My sweater is making me lint central. I'm absolutely covered in gray fuzz.
I'm sitting in anthropology class right now. it's usually much more interesting but today all we're talking about is patterns of subsistence and economic systems. Booooringggg. We're getting all into the social aspect of gifts, and it's really complicated and makes me think about Christmas which is super far away. Except not really and i don't like that idea. Gifts are super complicated. i never really realized it
Today was freaking gross. I left for class at 11:45 and it was cool and sunny and i wore sunglasses. And then when i got out of class at 12:50 it was dark and cloudy and freezing outside. And when i got out of class at 2:50 it was pouring rain and even colder. Miserable.
Today i was in a super weird mood, and i started obsessively writing the word zebra all over my notes in english class. Then i drew the word zebra in zebra print, and it had a thought bubble with a picture of a zebra in it that was saying "wtf" than the thought bubble had a thought bubble that said "cool!"
I'm super weird.
Everyone i know has been having a tough time lately. Whether its school or relationships or just plain old bad luck. I don't know what's going on but everyone's stressed out and just getting their ass kicked by life. It's not fair. But i guess "life isn't fair".
No one said it would be easy.
They just promised it would be worth it.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
But seriously
The circus, vegas, or disney world are sounding seriously good right now.
Its 6:05 on a Sunday, and i got out of bed 2 hours ago. WASTE. But lets be honest i desperately needed the sleep. I'm sitting here, trying to write my point sentence outline, and it's not going well because 1. i don't even really know what a point sentence outline is and 2. i don't really even know what my paper is 100% about yet. I'm one of those people that kind of figures everything out AS i'm writing it. Not a planner. And i've done all my other homework for tomorrow so really, i'm left with just this.
This weekend was better than the last few.
Friday went to a kegger at a house that smelled like vomit and pitbull puppies, but the backyard was a sweet setup. Then it rained. But it was fine because of all the trees. Saw this kid that i have never seen NOT falling over drunk, then saw him get his ass beat by these guys we were with. All over a sports team. Took his jacket, then we went to a house dance party that was pretty good. The usual deal. Cept everyone was standing outside instead of inside dancing. Then when we were outside cooling off, saw about 2-3 more fights, then dipset because the cops were about to come. On the way home, saw the cops speeding past. Yet another richmond party busted.
Saturday got up at 930 to go help set up for the Monroe Park festival. The whole carver tent thing really came together. Thank GOD. I got a awesome tshirt with a cool graphic on the back that said "staff" on the front. It's funny how much a uniform means to people. This lady came up to ask me how to get to MCV campus and i was just like "uhhhh its far away". She was super confused, but that's prolly because it was 11o'clock and the monroe park thing didn't start till 12. It was rainy and miserable and i didn't really want to stay, so i went with amanda and benji to kroger and then to benji/roberto's place for pancakes. Banana walnut. They were delicious.
Benji is from Australia and when he asked us what size pancakes we wanted, we told him normal. He then made pancakes the size of the pan. When asked "what the hell?" he said that in Australia, that IS normal size, and you get a stack of them. So we each had one giant, plate size banana pancake. Perfect saturday breakfast.
Then i came home, and took a good 2 hour nap. Got up, watched tv, got a package from my mom full of halloween goodies. I've already eaten all the gummie bears. Went to brendans for hot dogs (he has 36 of them) came back and played scrabble. This guy that came down with melanie (who i kinda decided i didn't really like) was getting WAY to into that game. it is not that serious. Got ready, headed over to the Bodnar party.
The Bodnar party was fun, once some party poopers left and we got a game of fuck you pyramid going. Serious guy got way into that as well; i was the dealer, and not him. General silliness occured (including a sweet break dance battle) and i got some incriminating photos. Then we walked to main street to go to this other party. It was interesting, weird vibes. The roommates got into a fight and it was awkward, but their dogs were absolutely adorable. The one girl who lived there looked just like Topanga from Boy Meets World. Except skinnier. Finally walked back and crawled into bed around 4.
So. That was my weekend. I've now wasted a good 40 minutes or so, and its dark outside. I've seen maybe 3 hours of sunlight today. My room is a mess and i need to clean it up but i'm just not in the mood and i have to be in the mood to clean. I did however load and run the dishwasher yesterday.
Ok, going to work on my outline/paper now. Prolly just do some more reading to get some sort of direction to where i'm trying to go with this thing.
Also. KFC bowls are really good. Even WITH the corn...
Its 6:05 on a Sunday, and i got out of bed 2 hours ago. WASTE. But lets be honest i desperately needed the sleep. I'm sitting here, trying to write my point sentence outline, and it's not going well because 1. i don't even really know what a point sentence outline is and 2. i don't really even know what my paper is 100% about yet. I'm one of those people that kind of figures everything out AS i'm writing it. Not a planner. And i've done all my other homework for tomorrow so really, i'm left with just this.
This weekend was better than the last few.
Friday went to a kegger at a house that smelled like vomit and pitbull puppies, but the backyard was a sweet setup. Then it rained. But it was fine because of all the trees. Saw this kid that i have never seen NOT falling over drunk, then saw him get his ass beat by these guys we were with. All over a sports team. Took his jacket, then we went to a house dance party that was pretty good. The usual deal. Cept everyone was standing outside instead of inside dancing. Then when we were outside cooling off, saw about 2-3 more fights, then dipset because the cops were about to come. On the way home, saw the cops speeding past. Yet another richmond party busted.
Saturday got up at 930 to go help set up for the Monroe Park festival. The whole carver tent thing really came together. Thank GOD. I got a awesome tshirt with a cool graphic on the back that said "staff" on the front. It's funny how much a uniform means to people. This lady came up to ask me how to get to MCV campus and i was just like "uhhhh its far away". She was super confused, but that's prolly because it was 11o'clock and the monroe park thing didn't start till 12. It was rainy and miserable and i didn't really want to stay, so i went with amanda and benji to kroger and then to benji/roberto's place for pancakes. Banana walnut. They were delicious.
Benji is from Australia and when he asked us what size pancakes we wanted, we told him normal. He then made pancakes the size of the pan. When asked "what the hell?" he said that in Australia, that IS normal size, and you get a stack of them. So we each had one giant, plate size banana pancake. Perfect saturday breakfast.
Then i came home, and took a good 2 hour nap. Got up, watched tv, got a package from my mom full of halloween goodies. I've already eaten all the gummie bears. Went to brendans for hot dogs (he has 36 of them) came back and played scrabble. This guy that came down with melanie (who i kinda decided i didn't really like) was getting WAY to into that game. it is not that serious. Got ready, headed over to the Bodnar party.
The Bodnar party was fun, once some party poopers left and we got a game of fuck you pyramid going. Serious guy got way into that as well; i was the dealer, and not him. General silliness occured (including a sweet break dance battle) and i got some incriminating photos. Then we walked to main street to go to this other party. It was interesting, weird vibes. The roommates got into a fight and it was awkward, but their dogs were absolutely adorable. The one girl who lived there looked just like Topanga from Boy Meets World. Except skinnier. Finally walked back and crawled into bed around 4.
So. That was my weekend. I've now wasted a good 40 minutes or so, and its dark outside. I've seen maybe 3 hours of sunlight today. My room is a mess and i need to clean it up but i'm just not in the mood and i have to be in the mood to clean. I did however load and run the dishwasher yesterday.
Ok, going to work on my outline/paper now. Prolly just do some more reading to get some sort of direction to where i'm trying to go with this thing.
Also. KFC bowls are really good. Even WITH the corn...
Friday, October 24, 2008
I'm joining the circus
Remember how i said i didn't have a lot of work to do this weekend?
i lied. Found out today that my point sentence outline is due on monday. That's basically planning out what your paper is going to say. So it's almost writing the paper.
i'm watching oceans 11 right now. And i've decided that i want to work in Vegas. Be a black jack dealer or a cocktail waitress or something. i think that'd be fun. I've also decided that being a theif would be pretty fun as well. So maybe i'll just drop out of school and become a professional criminal. Or maybe i'll just move to florida and work at Disney World and become a dancer or princess or something. Or join the circus. All of these options are sounding REALLY good right now.
Halloween costume is complete. For under 20 dollars. Ohhhhhh yeaaaa. I'm not down with paying 50 bucks for 3 tiny peices of fabric that i'm only gonna wear once. So stoked for Halloween its gonna be aweeesomme.
Tommorow i'm helping out with the Monroe Park celebration for VCU's 40th anniversary. I'll be in the carver tent in the villiage area. You should come say hi.
i lied. Found out today that my point sentence outline is due on monday. That's basically planning out what your paper is going to say. So it's almost writing the paper.
i'm watching oceans 11 right now. And i've decided that i want to work in Vegas. Be a black jack dealer or a cocktail waitress or something. i think that'd be fun. I've also decided that being a theif would be pretty fun as well. So maybe i'll just drop out of school and become a professional criminal. Or maybe i'll just move to florida and work at Disney World and become a dancer or princess or something. Or join the circus. All of these options are sounding REALLY good right now.
Halloween costume is complete. For under 20 dollars. Ohhhhhh yeaaaa. I'm not down with paying 50 bucks for 3 tiny peices of fabric that i'm only gonna wear once. So stoked for Halloween its gonna be aweeesomme.
Tommorow i'm helping out with the Monroe Park celebration for VCU's 40th anniversary. I'll be in the carver tent in the villiage area. You should come say hi.
Sleep is the cousin of death
There are several things i find humorous about these images (they were all on the first page). But the best part i think is the train from Thomas the Tank Engine. Did anyone else watch that show? It was a regular at my house. I watched it, and both my brothers LOVED it. Over the summer i found all our brio train track and made a sweet track in our basement. It was awesome. I made Seyi take a picture of it. Anyway i don't remember this particular train (whose name is Salty) but he looks like a total doofus. It's the teeth.
Pirate monkey and kid drawing of the salty sea dog are also good ones.
I FINISHED MY REVIEW OF LITERATURE PAPER! It's only 6 pages. Relatively small victory. And i'm pretty sure i have WAY to many quotes because i was going over my notes/guidelines and it said "not a lot of quotes" and i have a lot. But oh well that way i didn't plagiarize (heaven forbid) and i'm pretty sure it's the only way i would've been able to fill the minimum 6 pages.
There are so many holes in my research. i got a LOT of work to do before this bitch of a final paper. FUCKKKK.
Not much has changed since my last few posts. Plans for the weekend: sleep, vcu monroe park celebration thing, drink drink drink! And do spanish. But i have NO MAJOR ANYTHINGS DUE NEXT WEEK! (i don't think) so i am excited because maybe i can unwind a little bit and stop pumping my body full of caffiene and driving myself insane.
Highly unlikely.
But here's hoping!!
I'll probably also start reading the books Cory got me. Don't hate, i love reading!
On a side note: i am slightly bummed i didn't get to attend Obama-rama on wednesday. However i heard it was an absolute mad house with 13,000 people inside the colliseum, and another 7,000 outside with tv screens. And people lining up at 5am when doors opened at 10!! MADNESS! Way too cold for that shit.
It's getting cold.
And i don't like it one bit.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cool things i've found online:
i found a lot of cool stuff online today (Yet another day of productivity!)
-Reasons not to date a T-Rex. You know, in case you were thinking about it.

- Vivi Dot. Amazing, jewelry, handmade, adorable, and CHEAP. You can even get special order ones from the pattern catalog. I'm about to order a bunch of stuff right now.

- Term paper artist. The glorious, humorous account of writing papers for a living. It's amazing what some students will do for an A.

- Zombie Dating. DELICIOUS!!

- Leslie Hall. I don't know who this woman is, but i laughed anyway. She likes gem sweaters and writing cool rap songs about gold pants...
-Reasons not to date a T-Rex. You know, in case you were thinking about it.
- Vivi Dot. Amazing, jewelry, handmade, adorable, and CHEAP. You can even get special order ones from the pattern catalog. I'm about to order a bunch of stuff right now.
- Term paper artist. The glorious, humorous account of writing papers for a living. It's amazing what some students will do for an A.
- Zombie Dating. DELICIOUS!!
- Leslie Hall. I don't know who this woman is, but i laughed anyway. She likes gem sweaters and writing cool rap songs about gold pants...
I'm sitting in the starbucks at the library NOT working on the draft for my review of lit paper that's due in.... 45 minutes. I have 2 out of six pages written. SPECTACULAR.
On monday i got a whopping 2 hours of sleep because i stayed up to study for my ethics exam which was at 8am. Then i somehow stayed awake all day. Last night's sleep was good.
I dunno lately people (including those that don't even really know me that well) have been asking what's wrong and if i'm okay and the truth is i don't really know if i'm okay. I'm feeling SO overwhelmed with school and i'm trying to stay afloat but it just keeps trying to pull me under. Like normally when i get like this i just give up and say "fuck it" but i can't do that in this situation because i will fail out.
And i'ts affecting everything! My ability to focus, my motivation to do anything, my relationship, my sleep habits, everything. I'm just moody and irritated and "salty" (that's a direct quote) and i hate it but i don't know what to do about it because i don't think there's anything i CAN do about it. And when other people are moody towards me i just get irritated and un
pleasent and have lost all sense of understanding or empathy. And it's seriously just.. getting to me because i don't know what i want anymore and i'm scared i'll fuck up because i'm not myself.
Going home for fall break helped, but i didn't get as much done and def didn't get the amount of sleep that i needed. For the one time in my life i DIDN'T want to go back to school. And it's not even homesickness it's the desperate need for some sort of break.
i'm just doubting everything that i do/have done. i feel like school is a giant duck that's slowly pecking away at me, and i have a stick to like beat it off but my efforts are futile because it's still getting some good pecks in. I am slowly being pecked to death by VCU.
On monday i got a whopping 2 hours of sleep because i stayed up to study for my ethics exam which was at 8am. Then i somehow stayed awake all day. Last night's sleep was good.
I dunno lately people (including those that don't even really know me that well) have been asking what's wrong and if i'm okay and the truth is i don't really know if i'm okay. I'm feeling SO overwhelmed with school and i'm trying to stay afloat but it just keeps trying to pull me under. Like normally when i get like this i just give up and say "fuck it" but i can't do that in this situation because i will fail out.
And i'ts affecting everything! My ability to focus, my motivation to do anything, my relationship, my sleep habits, everything. I'm just moody and irritated and "salty" (that's a direct quote) and i hate it but i don't know what to do about it because i don't think there's anything i CAN do about it. And when other people are moody towards me i just get irritated and un
Going home for fall break helped, but i didn't get as much done and def didn't get the amount of sleep that i needed. For the one time in my life i DIDN'T want to go back to school. And it's not even homesickness it's the desperate need for some sort of break.
i'm just doubting everything that i do/have done. i feel like school is a giant duck that's slowly pecking away at me, and i have a stick to like beat it off but my efforts are futile because it's still getting some good pecks in. I am slowly being pecked to death by VCU.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Black Men. White Women.
People have been bugging me to write this post for awhile now. i feel like this question is getting asked a lot all of a sudden: Why do white women love black men? And who better to ask than the white girl dating the black guy.
Let me start off by saying that there are plenty of white women who DON'T find black men attractive; i have several friends who just.. don't. And they always say "no offense but i don't find black guys attractive". Like i'm gonna be offended? Everyone has their own taste; i don't find asians to be attractive. Not everyone likes the same flavor. There are also plenty of white women who find black men attractive, yet just don't/haven't dated one. For WHATEVER reason; scared what their parents might think, "social pressures", or maybe they just haven't found one they wanted to date. Point is you can't just assume every white girl just loves black men.
However, there are quite a few of us.
So the question is WHY? What is so special, so different about them? Inquiring minds want to know, and the white dudes are trying to figure out where their women are going.
For me, personally, it's a little bit different. i fell in love with my boyfriend, and he just HAPPENED to be Nigerian. I don't have a fetish for black guys (at least not yet), i find white men attractive still. Don't worry guys, you're not out! But being in both an interracial
So what? What is it? What is the secret?
- White guys have this....arrogance about them. I'm not saying all white guys are arrogant, or that black guys are NEVER arrogant (because that is false) however, there is this sense of entitlement in white guys. They have never been oppressed in any sort of way; look back through history: who was allowed to do EVERYTHING? White males. It's as if they're deserving of everything, and if they don't get what they want, than its been taken away from them. Like a girl is something to be owned and then stolen? I think not. Black guys have a different attitude, like there is a REASON they are with this girl, not just because they CAN be and are deserving to be.
- Black guys have a sense of pride about their women. Like "yea look at my baby! That's MY girl" and white guys are just kinda like "Yea she's hot. Honey can you pick up my dry cleaning?" Every girl likes to feel special! You wanna be with someone who is proud of you, and makes you feel good. White guys have no pride for who they're with.
- Their skin is like... smooth, soft, silky velvet. You just wanna touch it. And keep touching it. Sorry white boys, ya'lls skin ain't no where near like that. It's not your fault though.
- There's something liberating about being with a black man. Like you can just be wild and free and they're not gonna judge you for it. As someone else put it, "how many white men can treat a woman like a lady and ravish her too?"
- They know who they are. They respect themselves, they know they're men, they know their style, and they're CONFIDENT about it.
- Sorry but, their dicks are just bigger. With a white guy, you never know what you're gonna get. With a black guy, you know you're not gonna be dissapointed.
- They often have a greater sense of culture. They know where they came from, and are proud of it. And they're also interested in your culture, and where you came from, and respect you for it. There's a mutual sort of respect, that you don't get from a lot of white guys.
- If they're dating a white girl, you know they're brave. They take just as much heat from their friends and families as we do for being in an interracial relationship. White men think they're stealing their women, and black women resent them because now they can't have them. They're willing to take a risk.
- They just know how to make a woman feel sexy.
- There's something dangerous about being with a black man. The stigmas of society, the prejudice that still exists. Even though everyone likes to pretend that racism is essentially gone, we'd be kidding ourselves if we believed that to be true. Being in an interracial relationship is still relatively taboo, plus there's the added racial sterotype about black men. Not gonna lie, you feel kinda like a badass walking down the streets holding hands with a black guy.
- One word: BRO. i hate bros. there are too many of them. i don't like thugs either. i guess that's irrelevant then....
- They know how to cook. Their mama taught them well.
I feel like this list is... super prejudice or something. This is not a "bash white guys" post, just an answer to a question that was posed to me. I feel like this list isn't complete either. If you ask any white girl
This wasn't meant to be a "black guys are better" kind of thing either. Because i don't think any race is better than the other really, its just a matter of personal taste, not unlike ice cream flavors.
So why do white women love black men? i think the real question should be why black men love white women! SOMEONE should answer this question in depth for me, because i am ever so curious.
i guess the real answer is like the applejacks commercial: because we just do!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
So, i came home for fall break because i needed to get away from school for a few days. The stress of the environment was making me FREAK. OUT. and not be able to sleep. So i came home for the reading days (i brought my homework, don't you fret. This is not a vacation).
it was purely a coincidence that this weekend was also my highschool's homecoming. So i went to the game with my family in order to spend some quality family time, maybe see some old friends and say hi to a few teachers that i sort of miss. It was also a great alternative to my review of literature.
i fucking hate that place.
Like, you know when you're a senior you just hate school and want to get the hell out. And yea its kind of cool to come back once you're in college and be all like "look at me look at me" but i realized, that i've been out of that place for 2 years and i still fucking hate it. it wasn't me being a senior, highschool just blows. And south county is full of snobs and pricks and tools and sluts and just... ugh.
i don't miss highschool at ALL.
And i know some people who do which just seems super weird to me because majority of the people i know couldn't wait to get the fuck out of there. And i'm just over the whole scene. Plus now that i know how awesome college is and what i was missing, nothing about highschool seems even remotely good.
The highlight was that this girl i've always hated (yet often had to deal with) got super fat at school. Which was super funny because on the way there i told my dad "i hope heather castro is there and that she got super fat".(And heather, or anyone that knows/likes her, if you read this, i don't really give a shit. Because i never have to see you ever again, PLUS you got a slut gut and i didn't so fuck you!).
It was cold as shit. And the dance team has since fallen apart since me and tricias reign. Also they got a new director of student activities so the whole showing belly button thing and revealing uniforms is no longer a problem, although in this case it SHOULD be.
i then hopped on the metro to go visit my hetero life partner at George Washington University. That was super fun, hung out and caught up, made some mischeif and took some ridiculous pictures. Went to bed at 5 am. I wish we went to school together... *sigh*....
GW is like a richer, less ghetto version of VCU. I felt right at home, yet realized that i was NOT in Richmond anymore, and DEF not at a public university. These guys we were hanging out with started having a random jam session (typical vcu occurance) but THEN they started like quizzing each other on history facts/trivia. And they were SO into it. And they were drunk as shit. And i was just baffled. i'm pretty sure i just sat there staring at them with my mouth open for a good 5 minutes just being like "what the hell?".
It was good.
Today i went to starbucks for a breif moment, and got a haircut, and took my brother to mcdonalds. And worked on my review of lit paper. Fascinating.
I just wanna beat the shit out of english 200.
i want to legitimately get in a fist fight with it and just pound it into a bloody pulp.
but i digress.
That's all for now. Stay tuned for......
(i know you're dying for my opinion on this subject)
it was purely a coincidence that this weekend was also my highschool's homecoming. So i went to the game with my family in order to spend some quality family time, maybe see some old friends and say hi to a few teachers that i sort of miss. It was also a great alternative to my review of literature.
i fucking hate that place.
Like, you know when you're a senior you just hate school and want to get the hell out. And yea its kind of cool to come back once you're in college and be all like "look at me look at me" but i realized, that i've been out of that place for 2 years and i still fucking hate it. it wasn't me being a senior, highschool just blows. And south county is full of snobs and pricks and tools and sluts and just... ugh.
i don't miss highschool at ALL.
And i know some people who do which just seems super weird to me because majority of the people i know couldn't wait to get the fuck out of there. And i'm just over the whole scene. Plus now that i know how awesome college is and what i was missing, nothing about highschool seems even remotely good.
The highlight was that this girl i've always hated (yet often had to deal with) got super fat at school. Which was super funny because on the way there i told my dad "i hope heather castro is there and that she got super fat".(And heather, or anyone that knows/likes her, if you read this, i don't really give a shit. Because i never have to see you ever again, PLUS you got a slut gut and i didn't so fuck you!).
It was cold as shit. And the dance team has since fallen apart since me and tricias reign. Also they got a new director of student activities so the whole showing belly button thing and revealing uniforms is no longer a problem, although in this case it SHOULD be.
i then hopped on the metro to go visit my hetero life partner at George Washington University. That was super fun, hung out and caught up, made some mischeif and took some ridiculous pictures. Went to bed at 5 am. I wish we went to school together... *sigh*....
GW is like a richer, less ghetto version of VCU. I felt right at home, yet realized that i was NOT in Richmond anymore, and DEF not at a public university. These guys we were hanging out with started having a random jam session (typical vcu occurance) but THEN they started like quizzing each other on history facts/trivia. And they were SO into it. And they were drunk as shit. And i was just baffled. i'm pretty sure i just sat there staring at them with my mouth open for a good 5 minutes just being like "what the hell?".
It was good.
Today i went to starbucks for a breif moment, and got a haircut, and took my brother to mcdonalds. And worked on my review of lit paper. Fascinating.
I just wanna beat the shit out of english 200.
i want to legitimately get in a fist fight with it and just pound it into a bloody pulp.
but i digress.
That's all for now. Stay tuned for......
(i know you're dying for my opinion on this subject)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I love
and the fact that we talk about Sportscenter like its a real person (that slut) and how deep down i REALLY think you would marry video games if you could but that's ok, because you can't legally marry inanimate objects.
i love that you get jealous but try and hide it from me. But it's not CRAZY jealous just the right amount that makes me feel loved and important and like i actually MEAN something. i love that you get so into movies that you forget i'm there even though you continue to talk about how illogical they are to yourself (yea, there's no WAY will smith could ACTUALLY kill 50 mutants by himself in real life).
i love that you're not even fazed by me telling you i walked around the gas station convenience store at midnight with a purple balloon shoved up my shirt pretending to be pregnant with my good friend laughing behind me trying to buy cigarettes while the owner just shook his head at me. Or how you understand when i scream into the phone " I'M DRIVING MY BROTHERS HOME AND BRITTANY SPEARS JUST CAME ON I CAN'T TALK" it means i really CAN'T talk right now. And how you just let me be obsessed with stupid things (like raptors and zombies) even ENCOURAGE them by buying me toys and accept that my hair is pink even if you don't like it and just roll with all the punches i throw at you (sometimes literally).
and i love that you call me freakin crazy "but i love it" and get weirded out when i tell you to pull my hair and just laugh when i always say "ok last one" but then come back and kiss you again.
but mostly,
i just love you
i wrote this a few months ago. And just found it recently and felt like sharing. The end.
and the fact that we talk about Sportscenter like its a real person (that slut) and how deep down i REALLY think you would marry video games if you could but that's ok, because you can't legally marry inanimate objects.
i love that you get jealous but try and hide it from me. But it's not CRAZY jealous just the right amount that makes me feel loved and important and like i actually MEAN something. i love that you get so into movies that you forget i'm there even though you continue to talk about how illogical they are to yourself (yea, there's no WAY will smith could ACTUALLY kill 50 mutants by himself in real life).
i love that you're not even fazed by me telling you i walked around the gas station convenience store at midnight with a purple balloon shoved up my shirt pretending to be pregnant with my good friend laughing behind me trying to buy cigarettes while the owner just shook his head at me. Or how you understand when i scream into the phone " I'M DRIVING MY BROTHERS HOME AND BRITTANY SPEARS JUST CAME ON I CAN'T TALK" it means i really CAN'T talk right now. And how you just let me be obsessed with stupid things (like raptors and zombies) even ENCOURAGE them by buying me toys and accept that my hair is pink even if you don't like it and just roll with all the punches i throw at you (sometimes literally).
and i love that you call me freakin crazy "but i love it" and get weirded out when i tell you to pull my hair and just laugh when i always say "ok last one" but then come back and kiss you again.
but mostly,
i just love you
i wrote this a few months ago. And just found it recently and felt like sharing. The end.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Banana Phone!!
Today i saw a guy on rollerblades. ROLLER. BLADES!! When was the last time you saw those? Prolly in the 90s when you were a kid and tied your sweatshirt around your waist.
Bill Clinton came to our campus last night. I didn't attend. Desperate Housewives came on plus apparently like 4,000 people went and it was an absolute mad house.
Today i had lunch with my friend and i cannot escape the banana thing! There were bananas ALL OVER SHAFER! Like am i the only one who noticed?
Anyway had a good talk about relationships. And it was just good to talk about stuff. I realized a lot of stuff, both good and bad. Sometimes its just good for someone else's perspective.
Last night someone from home that i grew up with IMed me. And told me he was bored at home, and hoping that i was home because he knew i was a fun person. Never in my life would i have thought this guy thought i was "fun" (Kate if you read this, you know who i'm talking about). Am i a fun person? i mean i always thought that i was but its nice to be reassured.
So in my ethics class, we're talking about pornography. And i read this article in my book written by Catharine McKinnon (noted feminist) who says that porn is degrading to women because it makes men view women in a purely pornographic fashion: as sex objects. And that porn only portrays women in a tortorous fashion (like being tied up or whatever) and that it is, in fact, harmful to women.
Now i don't really think this is true at all. I mean, after all didn't the women CHOOSE to be in said porn? If anything isn't it a sign of sexual liberation? I think there's a disconnect between feminists of the past generation and those of my generation. Because, yea while a lot of things in society ARE degrading towards women (porn, music, movies, etc) we're not really focused on that. We're focused on getting ahead in the workplace and having a career and a family and all that other more important stuff. Not whether or not porn is degrading and/or harmful. The women that are strippers/hookers/pornstars/whatever choose to be that. Its one thing if their forced but if they do it because it pays good money, than go ahead girl! We all have different values and we shouldn't inflict them on others if they're not wanted.
i dunno maybe its just me. Someone back me up or tell me why i'm wrong.
On tv today, i watched another show about the Duggar Family.
This family has 17 kids with one more on the way. i don't know if you've heard of them, but they are FASCINATING! Who the hell thinks 18 kids are a good idea? And they've built their own house and it's HUGE and they homeschool their kids and just... yea.
I also saw a preview for a show about a guy who's half man and half TREE!!! HE IS HALF OF A TREE!
He lives in Indonesia and has some sort of super rare virus that causes growth on his face and branches that like, grow out of his body. FASCINATING!! i am totally watching that show on sunday. Totally.

Bill Clinton came to our campus last night. I didn't attend. Desperate Housewives came on plus apparently like 4,000 people went and it was an absolute mad house.
Today i had lunch with my friend and i cannot escape the banana thing! There were bananas ALL OVER SHAFER! Like am i the only one who noticed?
Anyway had a good talk about relationships. And it was just good to talk about stuff. I realized a lot of stuff, both good and bad. Sometimes its just good for someone else's perspective.
Last night someone from home that i grew up with IMed me. And told me he was bored at home, and hoping that i was home because he knew i was a fun person. Never in my life would i have thought this guy thought i was "fun" (Kate if you read this, you know who i'm talking about). Am i a fun person? i mean i always thought that i was but its nice to be reassured.
So in my ethics class, we're talking about pornography. And i read this article in my book written by Catharine McKinnon (noted feminist) who says that porn is degrading to women because it makes men view women in a purely pornographic fashion: as sex objects. And that porn only portrays women in a tortorous fashion (like being tied up or whatever) and that it is, in fact, harmful to women.
Now i don't really think this is true at all. I mean, after all didn't the women CHOOSE to be in said porn? If anything isn't it a sign of sexual liberation? I think there's a disconnect between feminists of the past generation and those of my generation. Because, yea while a lot of things in society ARE degrading towards women (porn, music, movies, etc) we're not really focused on that. We're focused on getting ahead in the workplace and having a career and a family and all that other more important stuff. Not whether or not porn is degrading and/or harmful. The women that are strippers/hookers/pornstars/whatever choose to be that. Its one thing if their forced but if they do it because it pays good money, than go ahead girl! We all have different values and we shouldn't inflict them on others if they're not wanted.
On tv today, i watched another show about the Duggar Family.
I also saw a preview for a show about a guy who's half man and half TREE!!! HE IS HALF OF A TREE!
He lives in Indonesia and has some sort of super rare virus that causes growth on his face and branches that like, grow out of his body. FASCINATING!! i am totally watching that show on sunday. Totally.
Post Secret
The one thing i look forward to every Sunday is reading the new secrets on post secret.
When everything else about sunday sucks, post secret is always good.
When everything else about sunday sucks, post secret is always good.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
i hate banana chips
Yesterday i went to kings dominion for their fear fest thing plus to ride roller coasters (cuz i loooove them). Now i HATE being startled/scared but once i got over the initial fear and convinced myself that they were just VCU students in costumes it was really fun! (which is more than i can say for SOME people... but i digress)
Today went to carytown to begin the halloween costume put together. It's been super warm out lately and i'm confused because it is the middle of October. Shopping in Carytown makes me realize how poor i REALLY am, and how un-important super expensive things (like clothes) are to me.
i changed my facebook to pirate language and it's seriously blowing my mind. i think i'm going to have to change it back because it is way too overwhelming.
This weekend pretty much was lame. We found ANOTHER mouse in our house and went to get mousetraps. And they haven't caught anything yet. Our trip to KD was cut short by human grumpiness, and i felt like crap and didn't wanna go out. Fall break is this weekend though so i suppose that's something to look forward to. Get my haircut and catch up on some sleep.
Everytime i have to spell out the word "banana" i sing the Gwen Stefani song in my head.
This post sucked. Bye.
Today went to carytown to begin the halloween costume put together. It's been super warm out lately and i'm confused because it is the middle of October. Shopping in Carytown makes me realize how poor i REALLY am, and how un-important super expensive things (like clothes) are to me.
i changed my facebook to pirate language and it's seriously blowing my mind. i think i'm going to have to change it back because it is way too overwhelming.
This weekend pretty much was lame. We found ANOTHER mouse in our house and went to get mousetraps. And they haven't caught anything yet. Our trip to KD was cut short by human grumpiness, and i felt like crap and didn't wanna go out. Fall break is this weekend though so i suppose that's something to look forward to. Get my haircut and catch up on some sleep.
Everytime i have to spell out the word "banana" i sing the Gwen Stefani song in my head.
This post sucked. Bye.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Another Lame Friday Night
I'm sick of coughing. It's really getting on my nerves. And i'm sitting here watching The Girls Next Door make chocolate private parts.
Today i helped out at the soup kitchen. That was fun. And in my english 200 class we watched youtube. Really glad i went to that class.
I also started watching this documentary called The Bridge which is about the Golden Gate bridge and how it's the most popular place to commit suicide. This guy filmed the Bridge everyday in 2004 and witnessed multiple people jumping, as well as interviewed their family and friends, and witnesses.
So i'm sure you're like "what the hell why are you watching such a depressing documentary?" And to that i don't really have an answer because my friend pointed out today that i'm always watching depressing documentaries. I seem to stumble upon them online. And i'm not quite sure why i always watch them because it's not like i like to be sad and depressed and bla bla bla. But i dunno i find stuff like this morbidly fascinating and oddly intriguing; like what makes someone want to jump off the golden gate bridge, and then ACTUALLY do it!?!?? i mean i know any shrink can tell me why but i'm not interested in that. I'm interested in the human factor. I dunno point is i'm gonna keep watching it.
Charlotte is my least favorite character on Sex in the City. Also, sometimes i SERIOUSLY question Carrie's fashion choices.
Today i helped out at the soup kitchen. That was fun. And in my english 200 class we watched youtube. Really glad i went to that class.
I also started watching this documentary called The Bridge which is about the Golden Gate bridge and how it's the most popular place to commit suicide. This guy filmed the Bridge everyday in 2004 and witnessed multiple people jumping, as well as interviewed their family and friends, and witnesses.
So i'm sure you're like "what the hell why are you watching such a depressing documentary?" And to that i don't really have an answer because my friend pointed out today that i'm always watching depressing documentaries. I seem to stumble upon them online. And i'm not quite sure why i always watch them because it's not like i like to be sad and depressed and bla bla bla. But i dunno i find stuff like this morbidly fascinating and oddly intriguing; like what makes someone want to jump off the golden gate bridge, and then ACTUALLY do it!?!?? i mean i know any shrink can tell me why but i'm not interested in that. I'm interested in the human factor. I dunno point is i'm gonna keep watching it.
Charlotte is my least favorite character on Sex in the City. Also, sometimes i SERIOUSLY question Carrie's fashion choices.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
finished my exams, and my spanish homework, and all this other crap. FINALLY THE PERIOD OF HELL IS OVER AND I CAN RETURN TO NORMAL LIFE!!!!!
Stop living in the library, etc.
PLAN: take a shower, watch law and order SVU, take some NyQuil and GO TO SLEEP!!!!
Any one trying to get high tomorrow? I'm tryin to get fucking blazed. I deserve it. Wake and Bake? Hit me up. But seriously.
i think i just let out the biggest sigh in the history of sighs...
Stop living in the library, etc.
PLAN: take a shower, watch law and order SVU, take some NyQuil and GO TO SLEEP!!!!
Any one trying to get high tomorrow? I'm tryin to get fucking blazed. I deserve it. Wake and Bake? Hit me up. But seriously.
i think i just let out the biggest sigh in the history of sighs...
So much for summer skin
I wonder what it's like to be a meter maid in R
ichmond and know that everyone in the entire city hates you. What a horrible job.
They have cool looking scooters though. Maybe that's some sort of personal consolation....
Today i went to this "Discovery" Workshop and it was the biggest waste of my time. I did however get a personality test thing. So maybe i'll do that and finally settle down on something. I dunno. I DO know that i didn't realize that i signed up for it today, and i should've just continued to study for my social work midterm because i have a horrible feeling that it's going to be REALLY hard and i wish i had more time to go over all my stuff. Oh well.
After today though, my life returns to normal and my 2 weeks of hell are over (hopefully).
Also, today in ethics class we talked about pornography. It's kind of weird to talk about that at 8am with an old guy. I'd rather go back to drug policy.
INTERESTING ENCOUNTER OF THE DAY: This guy who's in my ethics class was like, headed in the same direction as me (towards the commons) after class, and he turns to me and says "You know, if you had more fat, you wouldn't be as cold."
OK NOW KEEP IN MIND I DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS GUY!! Also, i am not a morning person (duh) and i was really just focused on getting my coffee and bagel and going home to study. Also, i wasn't even dressed for super cold! Nor was i acting cold! Nor was i cold at all! And it was kinda chily outside!!!
Anyway. So i just kinda look at him and go "what?" and he goes "Fat is a natural insulator for the body. That's why i'm not cold at all."
i look down and, sure enough, dude is wearing shorts and a t-shirt. (i guess it's important to know that this guy is, in fact, short and fat).
So i am just SO confused as to WHY this kid is talking to me about this, and telling me that i should be fat. Finally i was just like "I'm not cold actually, i'm pretty comfortable. Besides i just don't like cold weather"
Then he goes "Ahh. Yea, maybe i'm just used to it." WHAT ARE YOU A POLAR BEAR!?!?? Sorry i had a sweatshirt on at 8am when it was like 50 degrees out. Sheesh.
Luckily we then went our seperate ways. What IS it with people these days? I'm just meeting weirdos left and right...
They have cool looking scooters though. Maybe that's some sort of personal consolation....
Today i went to this "Discovery" Workshop and it was the biggest waste of my time. I did however get a personality test thing. So maybe i'll do that and finally settle down on something. I dunno. I DO know that i didn't realize that i signed up for it today, and i should've just continued to study for my social work midterm because i have a horrible feeling that it's going to be REALLY hard and i wish i had more time to go over all my stuff. Oh well.
After today though, my life returns to normal and my 2 weeks of hell are over (hopefully).
Also, today in ethics class we talked about pornography. It's kind of weird to talk about that at 8am with an old guy. I'd rather go back to drug policy.
INTERESTING ENCOUNTER OF THE DAY: This guy who's in my ethics class was like, headed in the same direction as me (towards the commons) after class, and he turns to me and says "You know, if you had more fat, you wouldn't be as cold."
OK NOW KEEP IN MIND I DON'T EVEN KNOW THIS GUY!! Also, i am not a morning person (duh) and i was really just focused on getting my coffee and bagel and going home to study. Also, i wasn't even dressed for super cold! Nor was i acting cold! Nor was i cold at all! And it was kinda chily outside!!!
Anyway. So i just kinda look at him and go "what?" and he goes "Fat is a natural insulator for the body. That's why i'm not cold at all."
i look down and, sure enough, dude is wearing shorts and a t-shirt. (i guess it's important to know that this guy is, in fact, short and fat).
So i am just SO confused as to WHY this kid is talking to me about this, and telling me that i should be fat. Finally i was just like "I'm not cold actually, i'm pretty comfortable. Besides i just don't like cold weather"
Then he goes "Ahh. Yea, maybe i'm just used to it." WHAT ARE YOU A POLAR BEAR!?!?? Sorry i had a sweatshirt on at 8am when it was like 50 degrees out. Sheesh.
Luckily we then went our seperate ways. What IS it with people these days? I'm just meeting weirdos left and right...
Monday, October 6, 2008
White People Running
i saw a lot of weird things today. And by things i mean people. See previous post for 2 of the characters i encountered.
I also saw this girl with extremely long hair twice, and this girl that i always see who wears flats, but they make that clicking noise like heels do and i find it to be extremely irritating.
I encounter the he/she creature regularly and that's terrifying; you know the big guy (i think) that has really long hair but a GIANT bald spot on the top that is just emphasized by the fact that his hair is pulled into a ponytail, also fat enough to have man boobs but they're so large they could be real? And i've seen this person wearing a spaghetti strap tank top, and a blue t-shirt with baby seals on it.
Friday these 2 kids were fencing in front of shafer.
I dunno i've just been noticing people a lot more.
Speaking of noticing, someone pointed out to me that white people running is funny. And while i never really thought about it, today on my way home from my exam i saw this white kid just take off sprinting for no apparent reason.
And it was hilarious.
Therefore, i bring you pictures of white people running.

I also saw this girl with extremely long hair twice, and this girl that i always see who wears flats, but they make that clicking noise like heels do and i find it to be extremely irritating.
I encounter the he/she creature regularly and that's terrifying; you know the big guy (i think) that has really long hair but a GIANT bald spot on the top that is just emphasized by the fact that his hair is pulled into a ponytail, also fat enough to have man boobs but they're so large they could be real? And i've seen this person wearing a spaghetti strap tank top, and a blue t-shirt with baby seals on it.
Friday these 2 kids were fencing in front of shafer.
I dunno i've just been noticing people a lot more.
Speaking of noticing, someone pointed out to me that white people running is funny. And while i never really thought about it, today on my way home from my exam i saw this white kid just take off sprinting for no apparent reason.
And it was hilarious.
Therefore, i bring you pictures of white people running.
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