Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Put an end to hate!!

It's been a coons age, but i'm back and i got some shit to say.

As i'm sure you've heard by now, Prop 8 has been upheld. If you would like to read more about it, click here. I'm upset by this. Prop 8 is already so dumb, and then despite the clear support of overturning it, they STILL decided to uphold. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE? This is clearly very much a religious matter rather than a legal one, despite many claims that there's more to it than the fact that "the bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman". Whether gay marriage is recognized by a church is not the issue, but rather if it should be recognized by the STATE. How is it possible that 2 atheists who do not believe in God and therefore do not have a religious ceremony/blessing can legally get married, yet a homosexual couple cannot? Furthure more, the bible condones behavior that is now considered not only immoral, but illegal (such as polygamy) in the United States. In a country that prides itself on religious freedom, equality for ALL, and seperation of church and state we as a whole somehow fail to recognize that this is LEGALLY UNFAIR!!!

The blatant ignorance of the whole situation just makes me absolutely furious. "This victory for Prop 8 is a victory for children, for civil rights, and for the common good." - Maggie Gallagher, president of the National Organization for Marriage.
Uhhhh.... can someone please exlain to me how this is a "victory for civil rights?". I mean if you want to believe its for the children, or for the common good then whatever. I respectfully disagree. However, the definition of Civil rights is "the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality" (Oxford American Dictionary). So, NOT giving all citizens (homosexual couples) equal political and social freedom (ex. marriage) is somehow a VICTORY for civil rights? I'm confused. Please, by all means someone explain this to me.

As a single, white, heterosexual (christian) female, i want my homosexual friends, mentors, and role models to have the same rights as me!! Hell, i want all HUMAN BEINGS to have the same rights as me, particularly in the United States, land of the FREE and home of the brave!! Once upon a time, WOMEN had no rights in this country!! A even shorter time ago, minorities did not have equal rights as those of affluent whites. We have since OVERCOME (for the most part) and have since forgotten this. It was not long ago that most of us would have been in the same position, with little to no legal rights and yet we insist upon telling others that they are not the same as us, and therefore not entitled to what this country stands for. And that is wrong, no matter which way you slice it. The people of this country need to remember their history, and where we came from, and how they would feel if they were in such a situation. How would you feel if you were not allowed to marry the one you love? Nor even visit them on their deathbed because some politician said that you didn't "count" as a spouse/partner?? How would you feel if women STILL hadn't been given the right to vote? If they still had segregated public bathrooms, or made you prove that you owned a hefty amount of land in order to vote? You'd feel cheated, and shitty, and angry. Yea people are angry, and rightly so.

It wasn't long ago that the whole Miss California thing was going on, and her response to a gay marriage question was a topic of heated discussion. MISS CALIFORNIA IS NOT THE VOICE OF THE YOUNGER GENERATION!! WE ARE A GENERATION THAT BELIEVE IN EQUALITY FOR ALL PEOPLE!! We have proven this time and time again, particularly with this past presidential election. The election of President Barack Obama was a huge milestone, not only in the fact that he was the first African American president (HOW many years after the civil rights movement?) but by the impact the young voters had on the election. We were a FORCE and had a huge effect on the election, not only for president obama but for john mccain. The turn out was huge, we made our voices heard, and our leader was elected as such. WE HAVE THE POWER!! The current policy makers should watch out, because we're coming. Times are changing and fast. Our president is black, our economy is shitty, we may have a hispanic WOMAN supreme court justice, and people are downright angry and ready for the fight against "traditional" views. It has taken us too long to make the progress that we have made, and the time to act is NOW.

"black will not be asked to get back
brown can stick around
when yellow will be mellow.
red man can get ahead man
white will embrace what is right
Say Amen Say Amen and Amen"

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