So yesterday, i did something kind of weird. Borderline creepy, even. I feel as though i should preface by saying that i stayed up ALL night on monday writing this stupid paper that i put off for months, i literally didn't go to sleep. So by the middle of the day i was losing my mind before i finally passed out for a couple hours. Anyway.
So i'm sitting in Interpersonal Relations 323 waiting for class to start. And this girl is sitting at the end of the row in front of me eating a wrap. And for some reason, i was HYPNOTIZED by how she was eating this freaking wrap. She was just shoving it into her mouth, and not even in a disgusting way (because it was a wrap, there's really only one way you can eat a wrap) but it didn't even really look like she was enjoying it. I don't know why but i just found myself staring at this girl, and suddenly thinking about how disgusting eating is.
i mean, we don't really think about eating that much. We all eat, we all enjoy eating, and we all watch people eat in a way. Like when you sit across from someone at the dinner table, you're watching them eat whether you're paying attention to it or not. In fact, you usually only notice people eating when they're doing something disgusting or weird. But as i'm staring at this girl shoving this wrap into her mouth and i just start thinking about how disgusting eating is. Like its is gross!! Shoving things into our mouth to mash up and put into your body? Foul. Seriously i was being such a creeper watching this girl eat and thinking about what a disgusting thing eating is.
Remember that stats test that was driving me crazy? I GOT A 97!! HELLLLL YEAAAAA!!! Cruz got an A too. SUCCESS!
This is kind of weird. Kind of.
Also, 24 hour library hours start on sunday. It is RIDICULOUS how excited i am. I'm looking forward too much. i think it's a sign...
That's all i have right now. I leave you with a picture of Taye Diggs.
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