i decided at 10 i was gonna break from statistics to watch law and order SVU. But to my disappointment it wasn't on, Dateline was on with a super exclusive interview with the mom of the octuplets.
AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS SHE LOOKS LIKE ANGELINA JOLIE??? She clearly has had some sort of plastic surgery done, look at those lips!! She probably like, not only is obsessed with having children but thinks she can pull an angelina jolie and just have 500 kids and everyone will adore her and support her and she'll get her own show like john and kate plus 8.
ok 1) angelina jolie is married (to brad pitt that lucky bitch) and this woman is not. So while it's possible her and brad will split (dear lord i hope not) there will at least be a father there for the kids. 2) angelina also is freaking rich as hell, not living in her parents house off of welfare and student loans (which, bee tee dub you have to pay back!! it's not free money!!) so her kids are in a much better economic situation where they're being taken care of properly and will be sure to get all the things (diapers, proper nutrition) that they need. Crazy crazy crazy. If i were angelina i would be mortified.
i also was watching the premier of "from g's to gents" which is another crappy mtv reality show that i for some reason can tolerate. It's all about these "g's" that go on this show and are turned into gentlemen by fansworth bently. It's really quite terrible yet awesome at the same time. Like these dudes make damn FOOLS out of themselves. This one guy "riff raff" has "weave" in his hair that's yarn. Colored yarn. He's white. I'm not making this up.
The back to the future movies are being re released on dvd. I want them. I just saw the commercial.
Okay so NOW i'm watching TLC because i sort of missed the duggar wedding when it premiered so i wanted ot watch it again plus there isn't anything else on. And there's an ad for one of those obscure sunday night documentaries titled "worlds heaviest man gets married" and from what i can tell he just like, has this giant portable bed that's decorated all weddingy and people like are rolling him around at his wedding! like he doesn't even get out of the bed!! how the HELL did he find someone to marry him? gross.
On another random note, the kids getting married on the duggar wedding haven't kissed had sex nothing! they're like 20 or something. Their kiss at their wedding will be their first!!! obsure.
Also, if someone could buy me this, i would be very very excited. Thanks.
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