i have ANOTHER statistics test tomorrow. And i'm not ready. Again. YAAAY FOR FAILING. What is it about the second semester that my motivation just flies away and doesn't come back??
i'm watching the oscars right now and the musical numbers are making me very happy except that i hate zac effron. Thats really it more lata
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
i need to get my shit together
i haven't done like anything that i need to do. i'm way behind on all my reading even though i'm TRYING to catch up. And i legit failed my last Stats test. And my stuff is like all over the place and my room is a mess. Fail fail fail.
Also, law and order SVU is super intense right now. This transgender kid tried to kill his dad. And i'm def getting sick. I swear to god if i got mono from molly i'm gonna bust some heads....
Also, law and order SVU is super intense right now. This transgender kid tried to kill his dad. And i'm def getting sick. I swear to god if i got mono from molly i'm gonna bust some heads....
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Soul Meets Body
Things i should be doing right now:
- stupid 2 page interpersonal relationships 323 paper
- sleeping.
What i'm currently doing:
- eating leftover chili made by mom
- accompanied by fritos
- listening to Plans by death cab for cutie
- pondering my life
i've decided that i'm starting over. And doing whatever the hell i want. And have since come up with a short list of goals that i am going to pursue. They are as follows:
- find an internship. Preferably a paid one. I would LOVE to have one this summer but i know application deadlines are soon and haven't really found anything that i like.
- find a job that DOESN'T involve working for my father. Sorry, not doing it again this summer.
- study abroad. i wish the info sessions weren't during when i had class.
- persuade the parentals to let me have a car at school. And if that doesn't work, start the process of buying my own car.
- travel travel travel
So far, that's it. I'll add more later.
- stupid 2 page interpersonal relationships 323 paper
- sleeping.
What i'm currently doing:
- eating leftover chili made by mom
- accompanied by fritos
- listening to Plans by death cab for cutie
- pondering my life
i've decided that i'm starting over. And doing whatever the hell i want. And have since come up with a short list of goals that i am going to pursue. They are as follows:
- find an internship. Preferably a paid one. I would LOVE to have one this summer but i know application deadlines are soon and haven't really found anything that i like.
- find a job that DOESN'T involve working for my father. Sorry, not doing it again this summer.
- study abroad. i wish the info sessions weren't during when i had class.
- persuade the parentals to let me have a car at school. And if that doesn't work, start the process of buying my own car.
- travel travel travel
So far, that's it. I'll add more later.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
So i have a statistics test tomorrow that i really don't know how to do anything. And a paper due thursday where i'm on like page 5 of the 20 page article i have to write said paper on. So, naturally i'm fucking around watching shitty tv.
i decided at 10 i was gonna break from statistics to watch law and order SVU. But to my disappointment it wasn't on, Dateline was on with a super exclusive interview with the mom of the octuplets.
Now, besides the fact that this woman seems very psychotic and i'm concerned about the whole how the hell she's going to support 14 kids thing, i personally think she's got something else goin on up there.
AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS SHE LOOKS LIKE ANGELINA JOLIE??? She clearly has had some sort of plastic surgery done, look at those lips!! She probably like, not only is obsessed with having children but thinks she can pull an angelina jolie and just have 500 kids and everyone will adore her and support her and she'll get her own show like john and kate plus 8.
ok 1) angelina jolie is married (to brad pitt that lucky bitch) and this woman is not. So while it's possible her and brad will split (dear lord i hope not) there will at least be a father there for the kids. 2) angelina also is freaking rich as hell, not living in her parents house off of welfare and student loans (which, bee tee dub you have to pay back!! it's not free money!!) so her kids are in a much better economic situation where they're being taken care of properly and will be sure to get all the things (diapers, proper nutrition) that they need. Crazy crazy crazy. If i were angelina i would be mortified.
i also was watching the premier of "from g's to gents" which is another crappy mtv reality show that i for some reason can tolerate. It's all about these "g's" that go on this show and are turned into gentlemen by fansworth bently. It's really quite terrible yet awesome at the same time. Like these dudes make damn FOOLS out of themselves. This one guy "riff raff" has "weave" in his hair that's yarn. Colored yarn. He's white. I'm not making this up.
The back to the future movies are being re released on dvd. I want them. I just saw the commercial.
Okay so NOW i'm watching TLC because i sort of missed the duggar wedding when it premiered so i wanted ot watch it again plus there isn't anything else on. And there's an ad for one of those obscure sunday night documentaries titled "worlds heaviest man gets married" and from what i can tell he just like, has this giant portable bed that's decorated all weddingy and people like are rolling him around at his wedding! like he doesn't even get out of the bed!! how the HELL did he find someone to marry him? gross.
On another random note, the kids getting married on the duggar wedding haven't kissed had sex nothing! they're like 20 or something. Their kiss at their wedding will be their first!!! obsure.
Also, if someone could buy me this, i would be very very excited. Thanks.
i decided at 10 i was gonna break from statistics to watch law and order SVU. But to my disappointment it wasn't on, Dateline was on with a super exclusive interview with the mom of the octuplets.
AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS SHE LOOKS LIKE ANGELINA JOLIE??? She clearly has had some sort of plastic surgery done, look at those lips!! She probably like, not only is obsessed with having children but thinks she can pull an angelina jolie and just have 500 kids and everyone will adore her and support her and she'll get her own show like john and kate plus 8.
ok 1) angelina jolie is married (to brad pitt that lucky bitch) and this woman is not. So while it's possible her and brad will split (dear lord i hope not) there will at least be a father there for the kids. 2) angelina also is freaking rich as hell, not living in her parents house off of welfare and student loans (which, bee tee dub you have to pay back!! it's not free money!!) so her kids are in a much better economic situation where they're being taken care of properly and will be sure to get all the things (diapers, proper nutrition) that they need. Crazy crazy crazy. If i were angelina i would be mortified.
i also was watching the premier of "from g's to gents" which is another crappy mtv reality show that i for some reason can tolerate. It's all about these "g's" that go on this show and are turned into gentlemen by fansworth bently. It's really quite terrible yet awesome at the same time. Like these dudes make damn FOOLS out of themselves. This one guy "riff raff" has "weave" in his hair that's yarn. Colored yarn. He's white. I'm not making this up.
The back to the future movies are being re released on dvd. I want them. I just saw the commercial.
Okay so NOW i'm watching TLC because i sort of missed the duggar wedding when it premiered so i wanted ot watch it again plus there isn't anything else on. And there's an ad for one of those obscure sunday night documentaries titled "worlds heaviest man gets married" and from what i can tell he just like, has this giant portable bed that's decorated all weddingy and people like are rolling him around at his wedding! like he doesn't even get out of the bed!! how the HELL did he find someone to marry him? gross.
On another random note, the kids getting married on the duggar wedding haven't kissed had sex nothing! they're like 20 or something. Their kiss at their wedding will be their first!!! obsure.
Also, if someone could buy me this, i would be very very excited. Thanks.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Sober House
So i don't know if you picked up on this, but i am OBSESSED with shows about addiction. It absolutely fascinates me, perhaps it's personal experience or something i don't know. I love the shows invervention, celebrity rehab with dr. drew (my hero), sober house, etc. And right now Andy Dick has come to the sober house and i absolutely love him and i am all sorts of excited about a topic i PROBABLY shouldn't be excited about. But seriously, Dr. Drew Pinsky is one of my heros. And he's really good looking.
This weekend is homecoming. N.E.R.D concert is tomorrow, chill and grill is on saturday along with the basketball game (william and mary you're going down). Also jeff is coming up from tech this weekend to help his brother move into his apartment so we're going to hang out and that will be good to catch up. This weekend SHOULD be fun unless something goes horribly wrong.
LAST weekend was really fun considering there wasn't really anything going on. i got... smashed. i mean i don't think i've ever been this drunk before; falling all over the place, being dragged/carried home, thinking that boys i KNOW aren't attractive were really cute, practically passing out on someone elses couch, and not remember various other things that happened. All things i'm not particularly proud of, but at the same time it was nice for once to not be taking care of other people and have them take care of me.
Monday we played charades for like 2 hours and it was really fun. And i laughed a lot and it was great and something new to do. Methinks it's gonna be a regular.
i hate hate HATE the video for beyonce's "diva". It's really terrible and sort of ruined a song that i really liked. The SONG is fucking hot. The video makes no sense. Also, she needs to get over the whole leotard thing. It's really not that impressive.
i found an internship/research program thing for the social sciences online at the University of Maryland. WITH a stipend!! But it's all "we're about diversity" which is great and all, but let's be honest that doesn't mean they'll let some middleclass white girl in. Probably decreases my chances of getting in. But the application is due feb 13th and requires 2 recommendations so i need to make some sort of decision IF i want to apply. Thoughts? i'm inclined to go for it.
Also, i decided to write the ex boyfriend a letter and put it in the box of his stuff that i'm sending back to him. i've started writing the draft. i'm not sure if this is a good idea, but i'm doin it anyway.
This weekend is homecoming. N.E.R.D concert is tomorrow, chill and grill is on saturday along with the basketball game (william and mary you're going down). Also jeff is coming up from tech this weekend to help his brother move into his apartment so we're going to hang out and that will be good to catch up. This weekend SHOULD be fun unless something goes horribly wrong.
LAST weekend was really fun considering there wasn't really anything going on. i got... smashed. i mean i don't think i've ever been this drunk before; falling all over the place, being dragged/carried home, thinking that boys i KNOW aren't attractive were really cute, practically passing out on someone elses couch, and not remember various other things that happened. All things i'm not particularly proud of, but at the same time it was nice for once to not be taking care of other people and have them take care of me.
Monday we played charades for like 2 hours and it was really fun. And i laughed a lot and it was great and something new to do. Methinks it's gonna be a regular.
i hate hate HATE the video for beyonce's "diva". It's really terrible and sort of ruined a song that i really liked. The SONG is fucking hot. The video makes no sense. Also, she needs to get over the whole leotard thing. It's really not that impressive.
i found an internship/research program thing for the social sciences online at the University of Maryland. WITH a stipend!! But it's all "we're about diversity" which is great and all, but let's be honest that doesn't mean they'll let some middleclass white girl in. Probably decreases my chances of getting in. But the application is due feb 13th and requires 2 recommendations so i need to make some sort of decision IF i want to apply. Thoughts? i'm inclined to go for it.
Also, i decided to write the ex boyfriend a letter and put it in the box of his stuff that i'm sending back to him. i've started writing the draft. i'm not sure if this is a good idea, but i'm doin it anyway.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
25 Things About Me
1. i am constantly reminded that life is full of surprises. A new chapter in my life is beginning and i am so excited and curious yet absolutely terrified and sad at the same time.
2. At 20 years old, i have carpal tunnel syndrome.
3. If you asked me what my plan was 2 years ago, i would've said Dance Major with dreams of dancing in a modern company. Now, i'm a psychology major who's considering working with drug addicts.
4. I'm learning to control my big mouth. It's HARD. i always feel the need to share my opinion or tell someone what i know and a lot of times i come of as rude because of it. I don't do it on purpose, it's just the way i am. If i start to interrupt you or say something i shouldn't, just tell me and i'll stop.
5. i've sent in multiple secrets to postsecret
6. i love super awesome, super crappy movies. Like you got served, lifetime movies, anything that gets shown on Vh1, etc.
7. i'm always on the lookout for new music. Think you got something i'd like? Send it to me, i'll try anything once.
8. The try anything once goes for food too. Unless it has any sort of eye type thing associated with it. This INCLUDES fish that still have the head attached.
9. Speaking of fish, i don't like to eat it. there are VERY few exceptions to my dislike of seafood
10. i appreciate a good joke/prank even if it's at my expense. if it's funny, i'll probably laugh.
11. Speaking of jokes, i like dead baby jokes. i KNOW they're absolutely terrible. But for some horrible reason i laugh anyway
12. I like to have fun in OTHER ways besides getting hammered. This includes charades, board games, going places, etc. Not to say that getting hammered isn't fun too...
13. i think that everyone just needs to back the fuck off Michael Phelps. Yes, he screwed up and will have to live with that for the rest of his life. But let's just think about all the 23 (?) year olds we know, and what THEY'RE doing on the weekends. And they don't have ANY Olympic gold medals.
14. i have 15 years of dance training. And my college friends don't understand that part of my life because they never witnessed it. I miss dance everyday.
15. i appreciate art. Something else a lot of people don't get about me, because i'm not an art student. I almost was...
16. i HATE HATE HATE olive garden commercials, because everyone in them acts like a total idiot.
17. i HATE idiots. Even though sometimes i do idiotic things
18. My favorite flavor is Red
19. I'm good at describing smells. Weird i know...
20. i'll sacrifice a lot (such as looking good/eating) to get more sleep in the morning.
21. The things that i regret are almost always things i had no control over. Such as accidents, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or just NOT being able to control the situation.
22. i have a hetero life partner name patricia. We share soul, and are the kind of best friends where no one else knows what the hell we're talking abot.
23. i have ODD obsessions. Including but not limited to raptors, tina chen, ghosts, trashy reality shows, and secret trois on youtube.
24. i am TERRIBLE at abandoning people i care about, even if they've hurt me in terrible ways. i might get mad, stop talking to you for awhile, or try and cut you out of my life, but if i truly care about you i will NEVER be able to just walk away.
25. i'm a saggitarius through and through. It's kind of scary how well it describes me....
2. At 20 years old, i have carpal tunnel syndrome.
3. If you asked me what my plan was 2 years ago, i would've said Dance Major with dreams of dancing in a modern company. Now, i'm a psychology major who's considering working with drug addicts.
4. I'm learning to control my big mouth. It's HARD. i always feel the need to share my opinion or tell someone what i know and a lot of times i come of as rude because of it. I don't do it on purpose, it's just the way i am. If i start to interrupt you or say something i shouldn't, just tell me and i'll stop.
5. i've sent in multiple secrets to postsecret
6. i love super awesome, super crappy movies. Like you got served, lifetime movies, anything that gets shown on Vh1, etc.
7. i'm always on the lookout for new music. Think you got something i'd like? Send it to me, i'll try anything once.
8. The try anything once goes for food too. Unless it has any sort of eye type thing associated with it. This INCLUDES fish that still have the head attached.
9. Speaking of fish, i don't like to eat it. there are VERY few exceptions to my dislike of seafood
10. i appreciate a good joke/prank even if it's at my expense. if it's funny, i'll probably laugh.
11. Speaking of jokes, i like dead baby jokes. i KNOW they're absolutely terrible. But for some horrible reason i laugh anyway
12. I like to have fun in OTHER ways besides getting hammered. This includes charades, board games, going places, etc. Not to say that getting hammered isn't fun too...
13. i think that everyone just needs to back the fuck off Michael Phelps. Yes, he screwed up and will have to live with that for the rest of his life. But let's just think about all the 23 (?) year olds we know, and what THEY'RE doing on the weekends. And they don't have ANY Olympic gold medals.
14. i have 15 years of dance training. And my college friends don't understand that part of my life because they never witnessed it. I miss dance everyday.
15. i appreciate art. Something else a lot of people don't get about me, because i'm not an art student. I almost was...
16. i HATE HATE HATE olive garden commercials, because everyone in them acts like a total idiot.
17. i HATE idiots. Even though sometimes i do idiotic things
18. My favorite flavor is Red
19. I'm good at describing smells. Weird i know...
20. i'll sacrifice a lot (such as looking good/eating) to get more sleep in the morning.
21. The things that i regret are almost always things i had no control over. Such as accidents, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or just NOT being able to control the situation.
22. i have a hetero life partner name patricia. We share soul, and are the kind of best friends where no one else knows what the hell we're talking abot.
23. i have ODD obsessions. Including but not limited to raptors, tina chen, ghosts, trashy reality shows, and secret trois on youtube.
24. i am TERRIBLE at abandoning people i care about, even if they've hurt me in terrible ways. i might get mad, stop talking to you for awhile, or try and cut you out of my life, but if i truly care about you i will NEVER be able to just walk away.
25. i'm a saggitarius through and through. It's kind of scary how well it describes me....
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