I'm currently sitting downstairs (NOT on my laptop!) awaiting the arrival of my aunt and uncle from PA, and for the boy to get here. Hopefully he comes before they do so i can prepare him. Typing on a real keyboard is kinda weird right now, also the space bar and letter "a" are sticking. But i digress....
Christmas was splendid. I baked cookies and pies and they turned out pretty tasty. I received some much needed things, such as an external hard drive. I also got a SLANKET!!!! and a bunch of sweaters, a super cute pair of dunks, and some other random things. Everyone liked the gifts i
got them which is good, i always kinda worry about it. My brother has worn the shirt i got him 2 days in a row now. I'd say that's pretty awesome. It's some swedish band or something. Vikings?
Today i worked a half day even though i wasn't really scheduled to because my dad "suggested" that i go in, and he also left his phone at home. And i need money. And it was a half day anyway so it wasn't bad. Then came home, changed, went to tricia's house for a brunch thing where i ate all her moms good food and talked about dance team memories with her and our former coach. It was great. She got me these pirate coloring MURALS and i can't wait to color them. I've left all my supplies at school but i think i might hijack my mom's markers just to color one of them.
Overall my break so far has been pretty alright. Tomorrow we're going to DC to go to the American History museum, then down to visit the GPs in Orange Virginia for dinner (...yay...)
i have all next week off, and am FINALLY getting my haircut on monday. which is great because it looks absolutely TERRIBLE right now.
That's really it. I'll prolly have lot's of adventures to share after tomorrow. Gonna be great....
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