This weekend was super mellow. I was sick and feeling like crap thursday and friday. Saturday i went to STRUT (it was a great show!) and then just hung out because nothing really was going on. Went to the village with allena and cory and melissa and had a baller black and white milkshake. It was victory in a cup.
Saturday was also the huge Ukrops 10k, but surprisingly it didn't wake me up. The cable company did at 1030 AM but thats not important. What IS important is that on the side of Broad street there was this HUGE stack of boxes filled paper cups that were used for water etc for all the runners. They were just sitting there! So we each took a box. And now we have like 500 something paper cups to do what we please. We covered k'shonda's door with them, and built a large tower. But we still have quite a bunch that remain unopened in addition to the ones we saved. I don't know what we will eventually do with all of them (lemonade stand?) but it will be brilliant.
Sunday i went to church which was good. Possibly working there next year but i will update on that later. They had this priest from california that talked about the environment and he was really interesting. Did you know the number one thing you can do to help the environment is stop eating beef? Seriously! And i'm not talking just about greenhouse gases, but the amount of water it takes to create 1lb of ground beef is over 500 gallons. OVER 500 GALLONS OF WATER PER POUND.
Then julian and john came over and we TRIED to watch heavyweights but that didn't work, so we watched police academy instead and talked about poop and lurked google maps. Google maps fucking creeps me out. Like i can see my car in my driveway and i don't like that one little bit because it just reaffirms that big brother is always watching.
Today went to class, actually sort of understood what statistics was talking about and got pissed off at all the rude people in our gigantic chemistry class. Came home, made important phone calls/emails and did a lot of reading for Abnormal. Went to yoga which was AWESOME it was my favorite class yet. All that tension just went away. Then watched tnt crime dramas and ate subway.
I feel like a lot of things are happening really fast. The job search, for instance. I'm trying to keep my options open and apply for a bunch of similar options (summer camps etc). And my dad keeps asking me what my plans are and i keep saying "i don't know" because i DON'T know. Whether i spend majority of my summer in richmond or in nova all depends on where/if i can get a job that i like.
I got put on the list to be interviewed for this "psyc 493 internship" thing over the summer where you take a week of class then work at this camp for kids with incarcerated mothers and recieve 3 credits for it. So if i get/decide to do that then i'll probably just work in nova for june/half of july and then come back down here to do that.
I also impusively filled out this online application/profile for college nannies and and surprisingly THEY called me while i was in class and left me a voicemail saying they want to discuss what types of jobs i'm interested in. Then i was like "holy shit what if i'm a fucking nanny all summer?" but when i called back she didn't pick up so i left a message. That would be in richmond. And i don't know what the hell my parents would say if i told them i wasn't really coming home that much because i was being a nanny. And whether i do that job depends on if they place me somewhere/how much i get paid etc.
I also need to get my resume together to apply for daycamp mclean in nova. But they don't have an application just an email address that says "send resumes to" and to be honest, i do not have a resume. I've never put one together. So maybe i'll get my dad to help me with that this weekend. That pays 12 bucks an hour, and i would be home which would be considerably cheaper.
I don't know.
IT REALLY ALL JUST DEPENDS ON A LOT OF THINGS!!! And shit is suddenly happening fast and i'm feeling pressured to have my summer figured out and the truth is i probably won't ACTUALLY have a plan till school is like, over.
Going home/to baltimore this weekend with the fam will probably be good/helpful because then i can get their perspectives and advice. But the clock is tickingg.
And these are the kinds of things i think about when i'm trying to fall asleep. Its no wonder i never go to bed before 3am anymore....
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It's one of those days
So, today i had a statistics test. Which means last night i was up late hating my life and doing practice tests and the only reason i didn't write a post was because my internet in my room wasn't working. I studied with Cruz in the library for a while and i thought it was helping, only he just confused me more because he was asking all these complicated questions that i didn't know the answers to. And so when i got home i tried to figure it all out, but i totally blanked on this one question on the test and i HOPE i got the rest right. Whatever it's too late now.
Then i went to chemistry class, but the stats test took me all 40 minutes to complete, and i NEEDED coffee (because i finally fell asleep at 5am) so i ran to starbucks and back to chem in the 10 minute period in between. But by the time i got to chem the lecture hall was pretty full and shayla and taylor et. al (like that lit reference?) had saved me a seat in the middle of the middle of the back section, so i had to squeeeeze past a buch of people to get to it. And these 2 girls KIND of moved out of the way, but there is NO space between the seats and i got all tripped up trying not to blatantly step on them and then i like, FELL across 3 seats. It could've been worse because taylor sort of caught me by my arm and prevented me from smashing my face on the seat and i somehow didn't spill my drink, but seriously i went flying all because these dumb bitches wouldn't move. And lots of people saw. And i was humiliated, yet laughing at the same time.
So i finally sit down and start taking notes and stuff and am for some reason REALLY into the lecture, trying to figure out what the HELL he's talking about with CO2 absorbing infared radiation and drawing pictures when the fire alarm goes off scaring the SHIT out of me. So now i have no idea what he was saying and am gonna be all thrown off next class.
Currently sitting in the dark watching tv and its project runway reruns (the one with christian on it) and victoria beckham is the guest judge and i just loveeee her. She was my fav spice girl back in the day. I just want to BE her, she's def my girl crush. And this was one of my fav seasons of project runway.
Kelsey is having a REALLY bad day, she lost her internship because of the economy which means she doesn't have a job this summer. Among other things that i'm not gonna put up here because, that's her life not mine. But this freaks me out because i don't have a job, i've given up on finding an internship because it's pretty much too late for that, and this just reminds me that NO one is safe. And it scares the living hell out of me. i can't even fathom what the hell is gonna happen when we graduate. Terrifying.
Also, Tyson Beckford, i want to eat you for lunch. PLEASE contact me as soon as possible because then i can die a happy woman.
Weirdest episode of CSI i've ever seen. That's saying a lot.
One more thing. I'm thinking of getting my monroe pierced. I temporarily forgot about it, but i'm back on the idea again. Thoughts??
Then i went to chemistry class, but the stats test took me all 40 minutes to complete, and i NEEDED coffee (because i finally fell asleep at 5am) so i ran to starbucks and back to chem in the 10 minute period in between. But by the time i got to chem the lecture hall was pretty full and shayla and taylor et. al (like that lit reference?) had saved me a seat in the middle of the middle of the back section, so i had to squeeeeze past a buch of people to get to it. And these 2 girls KIND of moved out of the way, but there is NO space between the seats and i got all tripped up trying not to blatantly step on them and then i like, FELL across 3 seats. It could've been worse because taylor sort of caught me by my arm and prevented me from smashing my face on the seat and i somehow didn't spill my drink, but seriously i went flying all because these dumb bitches wouldn't move. And lots of people saw. And i was humiliated, yet laughing at the same time.
So i finally sit down and start taking notes and stuff and am for some reason REALLY into the lecture, trying to figure out what the HELL he's talking about with CO2 absorbing infared radiation and drawing pictures when the fire alarm goes off scaring the SHIT out of me. So now i have no idea what he was saying and am gonna be all thrown off next class.
Currently sitting in the dark watching tv and its project runway reruns (the one with christian on it) and victoria beckham is the guest judge and i just loveeee her. She was my fav spice girl back in the day. I just want to BE her, she's def my girl crush. And this was one of my fav seasons of project runway.
Kelsey is having a REALLY bad day, she lost her internship because of the economy which means she doesn't have a job this summer. Among other things that i'm not gonna put up here because, that's her life not mine. But this freaks me out because i don't have a job, i've given up on finding an internship because it's pretty much too late for that, and this just reminds me that NO one is safe. And it scares the living hell out of me. i can't even fathom what the hell is gonna happen when we graduate. Terrifying.
Also, Tyson Beckford, i want to eat you for lunch. PLEASE contact me as soon as possible because then i can die a happy woman.
Weirdest episode of CSI i've ever seen. That's saying a lot.
One more thing. I'm thinking of getting my monroe pierced. I temporarily forgot about it, but i'm back on the idea again. Thoughts??
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Presidential bracket
Obama picked VCU over UCLA.
Here's hoping!!! I'm confident in my team, yet i'm also realistic. I'm also LOVING all the shout outs we've been getting!! It's a great time to be a VCU student.
Here's hoping!!! I'm confident in my team, yet i'm also realistic. I'm also LOVING all the shout outs we've been getting!! It's a great time to be a VCU student.
Poker Face
Suddenly, i have the urge to watch Paris Is Burning. i'm sure i could find it on the internet however the wireless is so unreliable i would just end up staying up all night trying to get it to load/watch it. Think Yes Dance meets powerful documentary meets the art of Voguing. You better WERK! And no, i didn't watch rupauls drag race today.
Kate got me thinking about clothes and SHOES and how much i just want to shop shop shop but i can't because i dont have any money (speaking of money i'm resolving the whole rent/eviction problem tomorrow but i don't want to discuss it because i finally kind of calmed down). I feel like, no matter how many clothes i have i never have anything to wear. Or at least not anything i want to wear. i ADORE this dress
Like i just LOVE it. And it's very me. I kind of don't think i'm skinny enough to pull it off (and don't start giving me shit about how skinny i am for how tall i am) but i would rock this so hard. Someone buy it for me, please? Anyway, point is over break i was in kohls and they had these shoes that i really liked and wanted and COULD buy, but they were also small enough to fit in my bag. So i tried them on, and wandered around the shoe dept contemplating if i should steal the shoes or not. It was like almost close no one would notice they didn't have tags on them and as far as i could tell there weren't cameras pointed on the location in which i was standing. I DIDN'T STEAL THE SHOES. But now, i'm at that point where i keep thinking how i could've gotten away with it (probably) and how i should've done it because i didn't have a gut instinct telling me not to. There was a point in time where i would've done it without hesitation, but not this time. And i should have.
IT IS THAT SERIOUS!! I am thinking about how i SHOULD have stolen some shoes.... what the fuck. And i love that lady gaga doesn't ever wear pants. I just love her and how she's doing her thing and doing what she wants and doesn't give a fuck. I am a fan of no pants. I often have to put them on when people come over.
Today was saint patricks day. And i don't really give a fuck. I wore green, didn't go out and stayed curled up on the couch in sweatpants watching SVU drinking white grape juice because juice is good and i spill a lot. i did go to the gym with kelsey and that was good except i've been feeling SO. TIRED lately which isn't good. Because i haven't really been doing anything. Also got to play animal crossing AGAIN today (yay!) and according to weather man we will see sun tomorrow!!
i got an 81 on my personality midterm. I guess i'm not dropping it? Since that's technically a B? Kind of pleasently surprised yet disappointed at the same time. I bet i totally blew those short answer questions. But i also didn't really study. Like at all. Whatever.
i need a haircut.
Kate got me thinking about clothes and SHOES and how much i just want to shop shop shop but i can't because i dont have any money (speaking of money i'm resolving the whole rent/eviction problem tomorrow but i don't want to discuss it because i finally kind of calmed down). I feel like, no matter how many clothes i have i never have anything to wear. Or at least not anything i want to wear. i ADORE this dress

Like i just LOVE it. And it's very me. I kind of don't think i'm skinny enough to pull it off (and don't start giving me shit about how skinny i am for how tall i am) but i would rock this so hard. Someone buy it for me, please? Anyway, point is over break i was in kohls and they had these shoes that i really liked and wanted and COULD buy, but they were also small enough to fit in my bag. So i tried them on, and wandered around the shoe dept contemplating if i should steal the shoes or not. It was like almost close no one would notice they didn't have tags on them and as far as i could tell there weren't cameras pointed on the location in which i was standing. I DIDN'T STEAL THE SHOES. But now, i'm at that point where i keep thinking how i could've gotten away with it (probably) and how i should've done it because i didn't have a gut instinct telling me not to. There was a point in time where i would've done it without hesitation, but not this time. And i should have.
IT IS THAT SERIOUS!! I am thinking about how i SHOULD have stolen some shoes.... what the fuck. And i love that lady gaga doesn't ever wear pants. I just love her and how she's doing her thing and doing what she wants and doesn't give a fuck. I am a fan of no pants. I often have to put them on when people come over.
Today was saint patricks day. And i don't really give a fuck. I wore green, didn't go out and stayed curled up on the couch in sweatpants watching SVU drinking white grape juice because juice is good and i spill a lot. i did go to the gym with kelsey and that was good except i've been feeling SO. TIRED lately which isn't good. Because i haven't really been doing anything. Also got to play animal crossing AGAIN today (yay!) and according to weather man we will see sun tomorrow!!
i got an 81 on my personality midterm. I guess i'm not dropping it? Since that's technically a B? Kind of pleasently surprised yet disappointed at the same time. I bet i totally blew those short answer questions. But i also didn't really study. Like at all. Whatever.
i need a haircut.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
today we got a summons from the rental company to drag our asses to court over 400 dollars that i sent in today.
i am not amused. i called and left a message when i got said letter. Tomorrows phone convo after morning class should be fun.
coldplay coldplay coldplay why am i suddenly addicted to you? Their music just REALLY grew on me all of a sudden.
Today was back to the old grind. Only i just had a bunch of tests so i don't really have any work to do and it's really throwing me off. Went to class, came home, played animal crossing (FINALLY!) and then watched 2 of the craziest episodes of wife swap i've ever seen. Got letter from landmarks lawyer (grrr...) then went to yoga. Which was really good, except there is STILL all this tension in my lower back. It's been like, partially released and it feels reallly weird. Guess i'll spend some quality time in childs pose before i go to sleep.
Then we went to capital ale house for dollar burger night. That was fun, even though it took awhile. i didn't eat as much as i did last time; stuck to ONE burger and some fries.
Tommorrow is a big day: Go to class, talk to rental company, fill out APB application. I think that would be a good/fun job for me to have during the school year next year. A way to get involved, a way to get paid.
I'm currently looking for a summer job. The search has just started and my hopes are high, however i have no idea still what i really want to do. Nova or Richmond? i feel like whichever one i choose it'll be the wrong choice. I'm trying to get a summer camp counseler type position; but i would do lots of things, except work with food and PREFERRABLY not in an office setting. Because if i want to work in an office, i can go home and be essentially GUARANTEED a job and not have to be trained. I'm trying to get creative in my search, because everyone and their mom is cruising craigslist etc right now. But it's hard. The prospects are grim.
Random story: my last dinner at home, i spilt my milk alllll over my dad. Like knocked the glass over onto him and got milk everywhere. It was funny, except mom didn't think so.
So what do you guys think of my new layout? Like? Dislike? i like it better than the previous one i had, but i'm still not sure this is the one. Leave your thoughts please.
i should probably sleep since i have to talk to angry people tomorrow.
i am not amused. i called and left a message when i got said letter. Tomorrows phone convo after morning class should be fun.
coldplay coldplay coldplay why am i suddenly addicted to you? Their music just REALLY grew on me all of a sudden.
Today was back to the old grind. Only i just had a bunch of tests so i don't really have any work to do and it's really throwing me off. Went to class, came home, played animal crossing (FINALLY!) and then watched 2 of the craziest episodes of wife swap i've ever seen. Got letter from landmarks lawyer (grrr...) then went to yoga. Which was really good, except there is STILL all this tension in my lower back. It's been like, partially released and it feels reallly weird. Guess i'll spend some quality time in childs pose before i go to sleep.
Then we went to capital ale house for dollar burger night. That was fun, even though it took awhile. i didn't eat as much as i did last time; stuck to ONE burger and some fries.
Tommorrow is a big day: Go to class, talk to rental company, fill out APB application. I think that would be a good/fun job for me to have during the school year next year. A way to get involved, a way to get paid.
I'm currently looking for a summer job. The search has just started and my hopes are high, however i have no idea still what i really want to do. Nova or Richmond? i feel like whichever one i choose it'll be the wrong choice. I'm trying to get a summer camp counseler type position; but i would do lots of things, except work with food and PREFERRABLY not in an office setting. Because if i want to work in an office, i can go home and be essentially GUARANTEED a job and not have to be trained. I'm trying to get creative in my search, because everyone and their mom is cruising craigslist etc right now. But it's hard. The prospects are grim.
Random story: my last dinner at home, i spilt my milk alllll over my dad. Like knocked the glass over onto him and got milk everywhere. It was funny, except mom didn't think so.
So what do you guys think of my new layout? Like? Dislike? i like it better than the previous one i had, but i'm still not sure this is the one. Leave your thoughts please.
i should probably sleep since i have to talk to angry people tomorrow.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
it's 5:04 pm on sunday and i'm all packed and waiting to go back to school.
i WAS looking forward to it, till shayla called me and said my rent check came back because i forgot to put a stamp on it (stupid stupid) and now our rent is late. And they sent a letter to our house on the 5th, saying everything had to be paid within 5 days (like the late fee etc) cept we were all on spring break. So i dunno if that messes shit up but i do NOT feel like dealing with that. Like they're gonna threaten to drag us to court or some shit and i'm just gonna call and be like "hi we were on spring break i'm sending you your money cool your fucking jets" and i don't even know how we go about renewing our lease? i am not even trying to move/find a new place to live.
i've accomplished absolutely NOTHING over this break. Seriously. i didn't even get to the post office, me and dad have YET to do my taxes, i didn't get my hair cut. i just sat around being a waste case.
SPEAKING of waste cases, friday night me and lauren drank an entire bottle of expensive red wine. it was a very bad choice. Putting that in my bad idea box and not doing that again.
Last night i hung out with tricia and we went to this dance competition. We were not affiliated with any studio that was competing, we simply went there to HATE on bitches. And we hated. Unless they were actually good. Then we cheered.
The weather these past few days has been absolutely dreadful; cloudy rainy cold blah. And my car has something wrong with it that ALSO didn't get fixed over break which means i'm NOT taking it back to school. lame.
i've really enjoyed having reliable internet. i downloaded a shit ton of music and listened to my pandora a lot a lot. Speaking of internets, check out this shout out!! HEYYY represent that's my school! On a totally random note, i'm making my dad a lil wayne mix to play in the OR. Not even joking. He's excited.
Mom is making stir fry. Yummmm.
Also, i beat my bubble blaster high score over break. It was glorius.
i WAS looking forward to it, till shayla called me and said my rent check came back because i forgot to put a stamp on it (stupid stupid) and now our rent is late. And they sent a letter to our house on the 5th, saying everything had to be paid within 5 days (like the late fee etc) cept we were all on spring break. So i dunno if that messes shit up but i do NOT feel like dealing with that. Like they're gonna threaten to drag us to court or some shit and i'm just gonna call and be like "hi we were on spring break i'm sending you your money cool your fucking jets" and i don't even know how we go about renewing our lease? i am not even trying to move/find a new place to live.
i've accomplished absolutely NOTHING over this break. Seriously. i didn't even get to the post office, me and dad have YET to do my taxes, i didn't get my hair cut. i just sat around being a waste case.
SPEAKING of waste cases, friday night me and lauren drank an entire bottle of expensive red wine. it was a very bad choice. Putting that in my bad idea box and not doing that again.
Last night i hung out with tricia and we went to this dance competition. We were not affiliated with any studio that was competing, we simply went there to HATE on bitches. And we hated. Unless they were actually good. Then we cheered.
The weather these past few days has been absolutely dreadful; cloudy rainy cold blah. And my car has something wrong with it that ALSO didn't get fixed over break which means i'm NOT taking it back to school. lame.
i've really enjoyed having reliable internet. i downloaded a shit ton of music and listened to my pandora a lot a lot. Speaking of internets, check out this shout out!! HEYYY represent that's my school! On a totally random note, i'm making my dad a lil wayne mix to play in the OR. Not even joking. He's excited.
Mom is making stir fry. Yummmm.
Also, i beat my bubble blaster high score over break. It was glorius.
Friday, March 6, 2009
On repeat
All day i have been listening to:
- Jimi Hendrix (especially Wind Cries Mary- i swear 30 times today)
- Kanye West 808s & heartbreak
- Jimmy Eat World Futures
- Jon Foreman The Cure for pain (probably 10 times today)
Guess i've been hangin out in the J section of itunes.
What is it about Statistics that just makes me want to quit at life? It's not even that hard. Like in the grand scheme of things, statistics is not hard. At least it's not yet. i PROBABLY shouldn't have said anything about it being easy. Crap.
The stress has finally got to me. Thank god i only have one more test. I've already had a mini mental breakdown; i just like FREAKED out and started spewing out random angry things about my life and it was totally ridiculous. At this exact moment in time i feel unhappy and confused but i think it's just because i've felt overwhelmed this past week and all the outside factors BESIDES school are not helping.
Took my 323 exam (interpersonal relationships) today at 2. It went okay. i felt really under prepared for it and i hate hate hate that feeling. But i got the discussion question so i guess that's good. I dunno. To be honest interpersonal relationships are the LAST thing i want to be studying right now.
i also took my personality midterm tonight. That was pleasantly easier than i expected. I was super under prepared for that too but whatever. That teacher is an absolute joke, and would be a damn fool if she didn't curve it. So i finished that exam; do i feel like i know what i just completed? No. Sucks.
Sat in the compass after that exam in the dark and the quite and the borderline pleasant weather and sucked down a cigarette in an attempt to relax a little bit. i like hanging out on campus at night, it's a totally different place. Shafer had a burrito bar, and i watched a video of a cat leaping into a wall. That was about the highlight of my day.
The office was new, and kind of funny. I've seen more hilarious episodes. Quest crew won ABDC and i'm not mad because their last performance was fucking legit. It was REALLY good. Beat Freaks are my girls though for real, i'm super proud of them. And quest reminds me so much of jabbawockeez and super crew that i was kind of hoping that something different would happen. But whatever. Like i said, they deserve it i can't even be mad.
And now, i'm sitting in my room at my desk trying to study Normal Distributions. Correction trying to simply FOCUS on normal distributions. It's not going well. Obviously.
Whatever. I just gotta get through one more test and then i can be done and pack up my shit and go home and stop being strong and keeping myself together because someone will be around to take care of me when i lose my fucking mind.
It's going to happen soon.
- Jimi Hendrix (especially Wind Cries Mary- i swear 30 times today)
- Kanye West 808s & heartbreak
- Jimmy Eat World Futures
- Jon Foreman The Cure for pain (probably 10 times today)
Guess i've been hangin out in the J section of itunes.
What is it about Statistics that just makes me want to quit at life? It's not even that hard. Like in the grand scheme of things, statistics is not hard. At least it's not yet. i PROBABLY shouldn't have said anything about it being easy. Crap.
The stress has finally got to me. Thank god i only have one more test. I've already had a mini mental breakdown; i just like FREAKED out and started spewing out random angry things about my life and it was totally ridiculous. At this exact moment in time i feel unhappy and confused but i think it's just because i've felt overwhelmed this past week and all the outside factors BESIDES school are not helping.
Took my 323 exam (interpersonal relationships) today at 2. It went okay. i felt really under prepared for it and i hate hate hate that feeling. But i got the discussion question so i guess that's good. I dunno. To be honest interpersonal relationships are the LAST thing i want to be studying right now.
i also took my personality midterm tonight. That was pleasantly easier than i expected. I was super under prepared for that too but whatever. That teacher is an absolute joke, and would be a damn fool if she didn't curve it. So i finished that exam; do i feel like i know what i just completed? No. Sucks.
Sat in the compass after that exam in the dark and the quite and the borderline pleasant weather and sucked down a cigarette in an attempt to relax a little bit. i like hanging out on campus at night, it's a totally different place. Shafer had a burrito bar, and i watched a video of a cat leaping into a wall. That was about the highlight of my day.
The office was new, and kind of funny. I've seen more hilarious episodes. Quest crew won ABDC and i'm not mad because their last performance was fucking legit. It was REALLY good. Beat Freaks are my girls though for real, i'm super proud of them. And quest reminds me so much of jabbawockeez and super crew that i was kind of hoping that something different would happen. But whatever. Like i said, they deserve it i can't even be mad.
And now, i'm sitting in my room at my desk trying to study Normal Distributions. Correction trying to simply FOCUS on normal distributions. It's not going well. Obviously.
Whatever. I just gotta get through one more test and then i can be done and pack up my shit and go home and stop being strong and keeping myself together because someone will be around to take care of me when i lose my fucking mind.
It's going to happen soon.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
remember that time....
Remember that time that i thought i had enough interesting shit to write about that i thought it would be a good idea to start a blog??
And then remember that OTHER time where i had trouble keeping up with it because college is being well, college and bubble blaster and life and relationships of various sorts and events were distracting me?
OH YEA that would be now.
It snowed for ONCE in Richmond on sunday/monday. It NEVER snows here. It will snow in all the neighboring counties, but it will totally avoid the city. But we got a good 4 inches or so sunday evening and it was INCREDIBLE!! We had a snowball fight on our street, and there was a HUGE snowball fight in the park, and we built a snowman in front of the cancer center and on our back porch. And it was so awesome because everyone was just SO HAPPY and playing and being a kid. And suddenly all the tests and papers and stress didn't matter.
Then school got cancled on monday. THIS NEVER HAPPENS!! The streets were a mess and my exams got pushed back and everyone was just running around campus all day playing in the snow. I truly believe that having a snow day was one of the healthiest things to happen to VCU in a long time. It was like seeing the stress just evaporate out of everyone and smiles form on their faces. And the fact that i had to study didn't even matter because i knew there was snow outside.
Now, it's all melting. The city is still a gross slushy mess but it's supposed to be in the 70's on saturday. If this isn't a sign of global warming then i don't know what is.
So my chem test that was supposed to be on monday was today. it went well. My interpersonal relationships exam that was supposed to be on tuesday is tommorrow ALONG with my personality midterm *gun to head* and my stats test is on friday *fire gun again*.
I'm going home friday because i'm just gonna want to get the hell out of here. I don't really have huge plans for break, except catch up on the sleep that's been running away from me and enjoy an empty house.
- get haircut (i'm lookin a lil shaggy)
- go grocery shopping.
- go shopping in general. Try and convince mom to pay
- hang out with important people who i miss
- convince my brother to get his shit together
- POSSIBLY visit soco? this is a huge maybe.
- visit work
- MAIL PACKAGE. This is very important!!!!!
- figure out summer plans. Stay in richmond? Go home? What type of job? etc etc
- figure out car situation
- start trying to find movies for my abnormal psych paper
- RELAXXXX. Luckily, all my exams are right before break so i don't have anything to worry about! YAY
On a few other random notes, I'm suddenly super into trying to find my Power Animal. If you don't know what this means, google it because i don't feel like explaining right now. But my friend asked his to come out and play with him and it revealed itself to him in a dream! Like fight club where he goes in the cave and it's a fox! I'm super jealous and am gonna ask mine to reveal itself to me.
Don't ask why this is so important to me, because i really can't give you an answer.
Part of me just thinks its stress. But whatever.
Also, i decided that i'm not happy with my blog layout. So over the break (when the internet is more reliable) i will be tweaking how it looks and stuff. Makeover!! Don't be surprised if it's something drastic. I'm at a point in my life where i crave change.
i actually crave a lot of things right now, but that is a different post for a different day. Right now i need to sleep because i have abnormal psych in 6 hours and 2 exams.
One last thing: if you haven't already, please youtube Mr. Chi City. You will not be disappointed. Hit me with that dun dun dun DUN!
And then remember that OTHER time where i had trouble keeping up with it because college is being well, college and bubble blaster and life and relationships of various sorts and events were distracting me?
OH YEA that would be now.
It snowed for ONCE in Richmond on sunday/monday. It NEVER snows here. It will snow in all the neighboring counties, but it will totally avoid the city. But we got a good 4 inches or so sunday evening and it was INCREDIBLE!! We had a snowball fight on our street, and there was a HUGE snowball fight in the park, and we built a snowman in front of the cancer center and on our back porch. And it was so awesome because everyone was just SO HAPPY and playing and being a kid. And suddenly all the tests and papers and stress didn't matter.
Then school got cancled on monday. THIS NEVER HAPPENS!! The streets were a mess and my exams got pushed back and everyone was just running around campus all day playing in the snow. I truly believe that having a snow day was one of the healthiest things to happen to VCU in a long time. It was like seeing the stress just evaporate out of everyone and smiles form on their faces. And the fact that i had to study didn't even matter because i knew there was snow outside.
Now, it's all melting. The city is still a gross slushy mess but it's supposed to be in the 70's on saturday. If this isn't a sign of global warming then i don't know what is.
So my chem test that was supposed to be on monday was today. it went well. My interpersonal relationships exam that was supposed to be on tuesday is tommorrow ALONG with my personality midterm *gun to head* and my stats test is on friday *fire gun again*.
I'm going home friday because i'm just gonna want to get the hell out of here. I don't really have huge plans for break, except catch up on the sleep that's been running away from me and enjoy an empty house.
- get haircut (i'm lookin a lil shaggy)
- go grocery shopping.
- go shopping in general. Try and convince mom to pay
- hang out with important people who i miss
- convince my brother to get his shit together
- POSSIBLY visit soco? this is a huge maybe.
- visit work
- MAIL PACKAGE. This is very important!!!!!
- figure out summer plans. Stay in richmond? Go home? What type of job? etc etc
- figure out car situation
- start trying to find movies for my abnormal psych paper
- RELAXXXX. Luckily, all my exams are right before break so i don't have anything to worry about! YAY
On a few other random notes, I'm suddenly super into trying to find my Power Animal. If you don't know what this means, google it because i don't feel like explaining right now. But my friend asked his to come out and play with him and it revealed itself to him in a dream! Like fight club where he goes in the cave and it's a fox! I'm super jealous and am gonna ask mine to reveal itself to me.
Don't ask why this is so important to me, because i really can't give you an answer.
Part of me just thinks its stress. But whatever.
Also, i decided that i'm not happy with my blog layout. So over the break (when the internet is more reliable) i will be tweaking how it looks and stuff. Makeover!! Don't be surprised if it's something drastic. I'm at a point in my life where i crave change.
i actually crave a lot of things right now, but that is a different post for a different day. Right now i need to sleep because i have abnormal psych in 6 hours and 2 exams.
One last thing: if you haven't already, please youtube Mr. Chi City. You will not be disappointed. Hit me with that dun dun dun DUN!
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